The Date with Kae!

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Soon After school, Amane took Kae to her Home to try on her Clothes as Kae was still in shock over how things at school went down.

Kae: W-Wait, Why am I here again?

Amane: You asked to borrow my clothes remember?

Kae: Oh Right. I don't really have any Cute clothes.

Amane: Well I Guess You're Lucky Y/n is taking you shopping then!

Kae: Amane I'm Nervous. I'm worried I probably can't control my Yaoi love or my Otaku side around him. 

Amane: Well You're Just going to have to, Kae. I'm pretty sure if any Guy finds out then They would dump you.

Kae: Y-You really think so?

Amane: I'm pretty sure, Kae. Now try on this Skirt.

Amane then threw A Skirt at Kae she grabbed it.

Kae: I'll try and control myself but To be honest I'm Afraid that He might not like me anyway.

Amane: Kae, You are Beautiful, this is the first time I ever saw you this way and I'm pretty sure every guy at school wants you, so take this opportunity and run with it!

Kae: Hmph! Right!

Amane: Good! Now try on that skirt I gave you.

The Next day...

You were waiting outside of the Movie Theatre waiting for Kae to arrive.

Y/n: Huh, She's running A Bit Late. I Hope she's not nervous. I hate for her to be Nervous.

Kae: H-Hey, Y/n-San...

Y/n: Oh Hey Kae, I- W-Wowzers!

Kae: I don't look bad do I?

Y/n: No You Look absolutely Stunning! Promise! 

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Y/n: No You Look absolutely Stunning! Promise! 

Kae: Good! So What movie are we watching?

Y/n: Oh Just some Romantic Comedy. It's about two Single Parent Families who Hate each other and are forced to share A Timeshare for A Week in Europe.

Kae: Oh That sounds nice.

Y/n: Yeah, I'm hoping it's going to be funny. Also A Little Romantic.

Kae: (Blushing) Y-Yeah...

Soon you both watched the Movie and The entire time Kae was Actually Focused A Lot more on the Wholesome Gay romance in the B-plot rather than the More Important A-plot, with some Small Level of Perversion

Soon you both left the Movie Theatre as you held her hand smiling.

Y/n: That was A Good Movie wasn't it?

Kae: Yeah. (Thoughts) Even though I barely paid attention to even half of it.

You were both Crossing through An Anime store and Kae stopped you.

Kae: Wait here for A Moment okay?

Y/n: Alright then.

She then ran in before she ran back out pulling out something from A Bag. It was A Keychain of Shion from her favorite Anime Mirage Saga!

Y/n: Oh Cute chibi character. Whose this?

Kae: Oh This is Shion from my favorite anime, Mirage Saga. It's pretty much my favorite anime ever and I want you to take this so you can remember our first date.

Y/n: This is Cute. Thanks. I Like anime too. Mind If I take you home?

Kae: (Blushing) Oh Well... If you Insist.

You then held her hand as you Instantly transmitted both of you back to her home. Kae Blushing the entire time.

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