Stopping Fate!

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Ai was at Home taking Care of Ruby and Aqua when suddenly the doorbell rang and she went to Answer it. She Opened it up to A Man carrying A bouquet of flowers.

Ai: Oh How Sweet! Are these from Y/n?

???: No These are from me.

Ai: Oh Thank you, but I'm already dating someone

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Ai: Oh Thank you, but I'm already dating someone.

???: I Know.

Ai then felt A Sharp Stinging Pain in her chest as she realized she was Stabbed.

Ai: ACK! W-Why...?

???: YOU WHORE! You Had Children!! I was supposed to be your one and Only!! We were meant to be together but you ruined it!!

Aqua and Ruby heard what Happened and ran as Fast as their little legs could carry them they ran over and saw what happened completely horrified and the Man just smiled.

???: Oh so They're the Little Babies? All I gotta do now is Kill them and-

Just then he felt A Massive Amount of Conquerers Haki hit him even Ruby and Aqua could feel it, he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder as buckets of sweat fell down his face.

Y/n: Hey there that's one of my girlfriends and some of my kids you know. So you have chosen death?

The two of you were Like this...

Ai Just smiled A Bloody smile as she watched on

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Ai Just smiled A Bloody smile as she watched on.

Ai: Y/n... You came to save me...

Y/n: Of course I did Ai. Now what's your Name?

???: What?

Y/n: What? What's your name? It's what?

Ryosuke: N-No It's Ryosuke Kaihara...

Y/n: I see. So Ryosuke Do you wish to die?

Ryosuke: I-I Just Love Ai... 

Y/n: You Love Her?

Ryosuke: T-That's right...

Y/n: That's not Love. That's Obsession. You're An Attempted Murderer. You Hurt her. I can't let that Stand.

Ryosuke: W-What are you going to do to me...?

Y/n: This? Do you see this? This is destruction energy. But I'm not going to waste that on you. I got something more deserving for your murderous scummy ass.

Ryusuke: W-What's that...?

Y/n: GER.

A/n: 0:32-End

After the Corpse of Ryosuke completely disappeared off of the Face of the earth you quickly used GER To Heal Ai as she was perfectly healthy again!

Y/n: Ai!? Ai Honey are you Okay!?

Ai then hugged you happily shedding tears.

Ai: T-Thank you for saving me...

Y/n: You're Welcome anything for you.

Ruby: (Thoughts) Wow! Papa is so awesome! He beat that guy up without even touching him!

Aqua: (Thoughts) Dad is so Terrifying when he's angry... I think I might need A New Diaper after seeing that...

Y/n: Come on Ai, I'll take care of the Kids. You Just rest.

Ai kissed you on the lips smiling.

Ai: You truly are an Angel.

Y/n: (Blushing) W-Well Thank you Ai, I-I was just doing what I do best, Hehehe...

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