Black, White, and Rusted Knights!

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You all continued to follow Curious Cat throughout the Forest when suddenly you were all stopped by some Giant Spears slamming into the ground and there were some Giant Black and white Figures.

Black/White Knights: Stop! You cannot Pass!

The Black and White Knights (They are A Pair of Knights who Guard some Random Areas/ They are both based on Knight Chess Pieces/ Both Voiced by Tom Kenny)

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The Black and White Knights (They are A Pair of Knights who Guard some Random Areas/ They are both based on Knight Chess Pieces/ Both Voiced by Tom Kenny)

Ruby: Hey! Why?

Black Knight: You cannot Pass!

Ruby: Yeah, but why?

White Knight: You simply cannot!

Ruby: Okay that's A Load of Garbage!

Black/Knight: No!

Blake: Let me reason with them. Look You two we need to get through to get Home. Can we go?

Black/White Knights: Hmm... No.

Yang: That's it, We May not have our weapons but we still have Magic! So Let's Kick some Ass! Beast Take Over: Galala Gator Arm!!

She then tried to Punch one of them but they just grabbed her Fist and elbowed her in the gut!

Yang: GAH!!

Weiss: Ice-Make:-!!

White Knight: No.

He just slashed at her before she could finish her spell and You were getting revved up to fight but Just then...

???: One Sword Style: Death Lion song!!

A Figure Just slashed down the Two Giant Figures as they went down crashing into the ground and the figure was revealed to be A Woman in Rusted knight armor, carrying A Rusted enchanted Blade.

A Figure Just slashed down the Two Giant Figures as they went down crashing into the ground and the figure was revealed to be A Woman in Rusted knight armor, carrying A Rusted enchanted Blade

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Rusted Knight: ...

Black Knight: BLEGH! You're Back Rusted Knight!

White Knight: We'll be back too!

Black/White Knight: See you Later Alligators!

They both then disappeared in A Giant Puff of black and white smoke.

Ruby: (Coughs on smoke) Blegh! Wait... Who are you, Ma'am?

The Rusted knight saw all of you and almost had A Shocked reaction as she then whistled into the air and A Giant Beast ran out of the forest acting as her steed.

The Rusted knight saw all of you and almost had A Shocked reaction as she then whistled into the air and A Giant Beast ran out of the forest acting as her steed

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The Rusted Knight then got on top and she rode off.


Y/n: Wait, who is that?

Weiss: I don't know but she sure is Cute in A Mysterious way.

Ruby: Weiss!?

Weiss: Hey You Imagine Kissing Hilda sometimes too.

Ruby: ... Touche.

Y/n: We should really have you two set up, Anyways where did that stupid cat though?

Curious Cat: Right here.

He was right next to you.

Y/n: GAH!! Man, they should put A Bell on you!

Curious Cat: Quite. I'm shocked by how Poorly you handled the situation. You Know I thought you would all handle that A Lot better.

Ruby was Hurt again.

And You thought of strangling this cat.

Curious Cat: Anyways, Let's continue on. We don't have time to spare.

Ruby: R-Right.

Weiss: let's get going I suppose.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Right now I feel like Giving that Cat the Bob Barker treatment.

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