An Inventor, An Irish, and A Big Eater!

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After Meeting with Akko, Lotte, and Sucy you were excited to meet with the rest of the Ladies since you missed them all and you wanted to see them again.

Of course, the next trio of Ladies you met with was a Silent German Inventing Engineer, A Fiesty Irish-American Lash, and A Super strong Big eating Plus-Sized Russian Girl.

Amanda O'Neill,  Constanze Amalie Von Braunschabank-Albretchtsburger, and Jasminka Antonenko ( Amanda is An Irish-American girl who came from New York City and she is Very Much A Very tempered Fiery soul/ Constanze is A German Scientist Witch who ...

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Amanda O'Neill,  Constanze Amalie Von Braunschabank-Albretchtsburger, and Jasminka Antonenko ( Amanda is An Irish-American girl who came from New York City and she is Very Much A Very tempered Fiery soul/ Constanze is A German Scientist Witch who specializes in Magitech making things such as Walkers, Weapons, and even Full on Mecha's, though she never speaks/ Jasminka is A Girl Hailing from Russia and Just like any Good Russian She loves to eat tons of Food and is super strong even for her Size, She gets in trouble Constantly for eating food in Class yet she never stops)

Y/n: Amanda, Constanze, Jasminka I-

Before you could finish Amanda Smacked you across the face as her fiery temper took over.


Y/n: Well You are in A School far away from where I Live.

Amanda: THAT'S NOT EXCUSE! Look...

She then Hugged you.

Amanda: I Missed you, you dope. Don't go that long without talking to us ever again. Got it?

You replied by giving A Thumbs up.

Y/n: Right!

Suddenly Jasminka Picked you up despite the size difference and she smiled.

Y/n: Woah! Somebody's been drinking plenty of Milk!

Jasminka: Yep with Plenty of Cookies too! Would you Like A Cookie?

Y/n: What Kind?

Jasminka: Chocolate Chip!

Y/n: Oh The King of All Cookies!

Jasminka: I'm Happy you Like it, Y/n. I also have chocolate Milk.

Y/n: The King of all dairy Products! Thank you Jasminka.

Jasminka: (Blushing) It's No Problem.

Constanze didn't say anything because she's Obviously A Mute but she was on the controls of A Robot she was sitting on that does A Crab walk and Amanda turned to her.

Amanda: I know Constanze, Me too.

Constanze then Had A Slight tinge of Pink on her Cheeks.

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