The Weight Of Yandere Issues!

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Katakura then woke up in the cooking club classroom as she began Looking around dazed and confused.

Katakura: Ugh... What Happened...?

She then tried to move only to realize that she was tied down to the chair with A Bunch of Leather Belts.

Katakura: Huh? What's Happening? What's going on?

Just then she saw Aya-chan walking out carrying An Icing bag filled to the brim.

Katakura: Aya-Chan what are you doing? Why are you doing this?

Aya: You Want to know? That's my Y/n-Senpai You're talking to.

Katakura: Huh!?

Aya: You Know we used to date but then he broke up with me because I was chubby and Even Though I lost that weight, I could never win him back, Now I'm going to make sure you won't get that chance with him either.

Katakura: W-Wait what is that?

Aya: Oh This? This is the Highest Caloric Cream That Can be bought and I'm going to stuff you with it so he won't even look your way anymore. Now Open up.

She then began force-feeding her the High-calorie cream as she was forced to swallow it all she even opened up her buttoned-up shirt and her skirt and then when she was half way through the door Opened up...

Y/n: Hey Katakura-San, Are you- Eh?

Aya: U-Uh... Y/n-San, So Nice for you to walk in, I was Just-

Y/n: Katakura-San... You Look... So Cute~!

Katakura/Aya: ............................... Eh?

Aya: W-Wait, I thought you broke up with me over my weight!

Y/n: No, I Broke up with you over the weight of your Stalker-ish tendencies. You Looked better chubby in your case. Also, You don't listen either.

Aya: Y-You... YOU LIAR!

She then ran out crying.

Katakura: Wow... That's one way to get your Fetish closet opened.

Y/n: Yeah, But It's A Minor one though. You Know something...

Katakura: What is it- MMPH!

You stuff it back into her Mouth.

Y/n: She was doing it all wrong. Too forceful too much at one time. You need to do it slowly and smoothly like this.

You then Began pushing Cream into her Mouth in A Much more comfortable way than Katakura in heaven and soon you let go taking come of the Cream to spread it over her boobs and belly like A Cake.

Katakura: (Blushing) Y-You really like Me Huh?

Y/n: Usually I don't do the confession but this time I am~

You then got A Hold of her fatty thighs as Propped up as you smiled at her.

Y/n: Would you like to lick your boobs or belly first~

Katakura: (Blushing) Oh I had no idea you were like this... I-It's such A Turn on...

Y/n: Well I'm glad you like it~ 

Katakura: Yeah~ Maybe Aya did us A Favor after all~

Sometime Later...

You were with Katakura both hanging out in your Mansion you handed her A Box of apple Juice as you also got one for yourself.

Katakura: Have you seen Aya-chan as of late? She hadn't been to school in A While.

Y/n: Nah she's Probably fine. I've dealt with Yanderes before. They always calm down after They cool down first.

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