Battle Against Quetzalcoatl

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You were in South America with Artoria, Mordred, and Alstofo all standing in front of A South American Temple waiting for an Opponent.

Artoria: So this will be our Opponent?

Quetzalcoatl:  Hola chicos y chicas I am so excited to battle all of you! You all Look so Linda and Lindo!

Quetzalcoatl (The Serpent Sun God Servant/ She is A Very sweet and excitable woman who loves to fight others, using A Particular Luchador fighting style/ She also uses An Obsiden Lined Wooden Club used by the Aztecs/ She can be scary when serious)

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Quetzalcoatl (The Serpent Sun God Servant/ She is A Very sweet and excitable woman who loves to fight others, using A Particular Luchador fighting style/ She also uses An Obsiden Lined Wooden Club used by the Aztecs/ She can be scary when serious)

Y/n: ... Yes.

Quetzalcoatl: Hola Guapo ¿te gustaría subir aquí conmigo?

Y/n: What is she saying?

Mordred: Is she Talking to me?

Alstofo: Don't worry I can handle this!

They then Jumped up there and Began fighting Quetzalcoatl as she began fighting back!

Alstofo: AGH! She's too strong!

Quetzalcoatl: Aw, Thank you Chica!

Alstofo: And She's so Fit and well defined!

Quetzal: ¡Gracias, hago ejercicio!

She then threw them off the Temple and they landed on the ground.

Astolfo: Ow...

Morded: Can you try not to Lose for once in your Pathetic Life?

Quezatlcoatl: Now I want you all to tell me something! Quien es la siguiente?

Quezatlcoatl: Now I want you all to tell me something! Quien es la siguiente?

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Y/n: I'll go. Hey Quetzalcoatl?

Quetzalcoatl: Yes?

Y/n: You Like wrestling right?

Quetzalcoatl: Oh Yes I love the ways of the Luchador!

Y/n: Well wrestle me then!

Quetzalcoatl: Okay!

She then grabbed A Luchador Mask and Put it on.

Quetzalcoatl: Bring it on, Chico! Bring it on!

Y/n: Okay then. Poison Mist!

You then sprayed A Blinding Poison Mist in her Face from your mouth!

You then Grabbed her Leg and the did this to her while she was Blinded

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You then Grabbed her Leg and the did this to her while she was Blinded...

You then Grabbed her Leg and the did this to her while she was Blinded

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And then A Huge fight happened Between you two...

Mordred: Why did he need us anyway?

Artoria: Probably becuase he needed us since this is A Servant Battle.

Alstofo: Where am I...?

You continued fighting Quetzalcoatl wen she suddenly grabbed your head and shoved it into her chest!

Quetzalcoatl: Okay, Okay, I surrender, I surrender! You win! You're my master Now!

Y/n: (Blushing) Oh Thank you, Quetzalcoatl.

Quetzalcoatl: You're Welcome Chico! ¡Ahora eres mi hermanito/maestro/novio, Y/n L/n!

Y/n: (Sweatdrop) W-Why do I suddenly feel like Shouta right now...?

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