Dumb as A Dodo!

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You were all walking through the Forest when It suddenly Began yo Rain on all of you but only all of you as everything else was As dry as A Bone.

Weiss: Are you Kidding me!?

She then tried to walk off but she came back again.

Weiss: What!?

Y/n: I tried that won't work.

She tried it several times over before...


She then threw A Rock and it hit and the back of the head sending her face-first to the ground!

Ruby: Weiss are you Okay!?

Weiss: ...

Yang: Should we Give her Mouth to Mouth?

Weiss: (Muffled) No I'm fine. I just don't want to deal with this.

Just then you all heard singing.

Y/n: Wait that's singing!

Blake: And That means intelligent Life.

Somewhat: Hey, what am I chopped Liver?

You all then chased after the Sound with Ruby Drahhing Weiss who refused to get up and you all saw the Strangest Sight!

Y/n/RWBY: A Dodo!?

Dodo: 3 Paces east... 1... 2... 3... and 5,000 Paces Weast.

Dodo (A Man-Sized Extinct Bird and Explorer of this Strange Land/ Voiced by Mr

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Dodo (A Man-Sized Extinct Bird and Explorer of this Strange Land/ Voiced by Mr. Lawrence)

Yang: Should we ask him for directions?

Ruby: I don't know he Might eat us.

Y/n: Hey Dodo!

Dodo: Oh Boy Locals! I um... Do you understand me?


Dodo: I'm a dodo! Famous explorer!

Blake: Well can you tell us where we are?

Dodo: Well If I'm correct your in Ever After.

Weiss: Ever after?

Dodo: I'm sure of it!

Weiss: Are you really sure? Or are you just dumb?


Ruby: So why are you at the beach?

Dodo: Why you can't stay dry if you're on Land now can you?

Ruby: I... I... I Guess so.

Weiss: Oh My God everyone here must be crazy.

Y/n: Anyway we can all get out of here?

Dodo: Oh That's easy! You Must head for the Tree in the Center of Ever after! Go 30 Paces South! Go east until you find the 2-Leafed Clover, and then You go 1,000 Paces Weast!

Blake: W-Weast?

Dodo: Yeah, Weast.

Weiss: I'm pretty sure he means West.

Dodo: No Weast! Check my compass.

You all checked and the compass did label west as "Weast".

Y/n: Okay we're going Weast then.

Dodo: Good Show, Jolly Good Show! Now I Must be going! Tata!

He then began following his compass as he walked into the Ocean and Began swimming off.

Ruby: Is he going to be Okay?

Y/n: I'm pretty sure is. Let's get going.

You all then walked back into the Forest as the Dodo kept on swimming off.

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