The Rehibilitation Plan!

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You were in the Oyama home trying to understand what happened between Mahiro and her sister because of what happened to the former.

Y/n: Okay so what the Hell is Happening here?

Mihari: This is all A Part of my rehabilitation plan for Mahiro! The Plan is to help her Make Friends, Get A Life, and become A Better person.

Y/n: But why make her A Girl?

Mihari: It's part of the Plan.

Y/n: (Sweatdrop) Eh...

Mahiro: It was such A Shock Trust me.

Y/n: Yeah, I can see that. I turned into A Girl Once.

Mahiro: ... Huh!?

Y/n: I've been inside A Book with A Chapter based on Lust, you connect the dots.

Mihari: Now since you're here the Next part of the Program shall begin!

Y/n: But wait, what about your Mother is she Okay with this?

Mihari: Oh she knows and she Approves of it! She's Just out of the country right now.

Y/n: R-Right... But how long does this last?

Mihari: It'll wear off... Possibly.

Y/n: P-Possibly? Are you kidding me?

Mahiro: I Know that feeling.

Mihari: Now Y/n I want you to hang out with Mahiro with all of her Friends, I'll attend as well!

Y/n: But I wouldn't know anyone.

Mihari: But You'll know Kaede, right?

Y/n: Kaede? (Blushing) Oh Yeah, I remember her. She's... Beautiful.

Mihari: Yep.

Y/n: Okay I'll help you two but you Must Promise me not to do anything silly with Drugs.

Mihari: Why would you-?

Y/n: I already have A Young scientist abusing Drugs she made on others, though none of us mind it can be annoying.

Mihari: Deal!

Mahiro: Okay then, Good.

Mahiro then Had A Slight tinge of Pink on her cheeks as she smiled.

Mihari: (Thoughts) It's all going According to Plan!

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