Reunion with A Witch and A Girl! (Part 2)

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Kiki and Satsuki both continued to walk away as you kept on trying to reason with them without knowing who they are!

Y/n: Come on Let me try something! Let me read your Minds. Ask the Dragon Balls. Get A Fortune teller? Please, I must have done something wrong I Must fix it!

Both women Just stopped and Slowly Turned around angrily stopping on their Heels.

Y/n: Eh?

Kiki: How could you forget us!?

Satsuki: How dense can you be!?

Y/n: What do you mean!?

Kiki: I was the witch girl you took in years ago!

Satsuki: And I was that girl you let fly on Nimbus with my Little sister!

Y/n: Uh... Oh, Wait! Kiki! Satsuki! It's been years! And You're both so beautiful!

Kiki/Satsuki: ... (Thoughts) He's so sweet yet so dense... Just like when we were Kids.

Y/n: I barely recognized you two! It's been so Many Years! And Satsuki You actually kept your Hair Short! I'm surprised by that.

Satsuki: Well... It's because of something you said.


Kid Satsuki: Hey Y/n, What do you think of My Hair? I kept it short because I Like it this way but-

Kid Y/n: I think it Looks really good on you! To be honest, Short hair doesn't work on everybody but It Looks super cute on you!

Kid Satsuki: (Blushing) Thanks, I appreciate it...

Flashback End...

Y/n: And Wow, Kiki I didn't expect you to keep on wearing your Bow as well, Surprised by that as well.

Kiki: Well, It's something you said.

To be honest I would go into another Flashback but it's the exact same plot point so let's continue.

Gigi: Wow, Now you finally remember, Took you long enough. I mean who else you know flies on A Broom?

Y/n: Do you really want to know Salem?

Gigi: Well... No, Not really.

Y/n: Well Why don't I invite you two to my Home? It's been years so many things are different Kiki and Satsuki You've never been so this is A First time!

Satsuki: Oh Sure!

Kiki: Great! We will! Just Hop on and-

Y/n: Nope.

Kiki: Huh?

Y/n: Just Put your hands on my Back.

They did so and you teleported all 3 of them with yourself to the Mansion.

Satsuki/Kiki: Huh!? How did that Happen!?

Y/n: Instant Transmission. Learned it from Aliens.

Gigi: Well this sure will be interesting.

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