The Impossible Man!

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You were just in your School council president's Office stamping away at Papers when suddenly Mogana came in Looking Frazzled!

Y/n: Mogana are you Okay?

Mogana: Y/n! Something is wrong! There's A green Guy causing A Huge Mess asking for your help!

Y/n: Really?

Mogana: Yeah, he calls himself Impossible Man! And He's literally turning into anything and everything!

Y/n: Alright let me Handle it. I know how to handle guys Like him. 

You then walked out of the room and...


Just then A Skinny Green Alien appeared in front of you and he Looked scared as well.

Impossible Man (He is From A Race of Aliens called the Poppulians and has no name because Quote "They don't need any since they already know each other"/ He has the power to change into any form he wants, can split into any number of people includ...

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Impossible Man (He is From A Race of Aliens called the Poppulians and has no name because Quote "They don't need any since they already know each other"/ He has the power to change into any form he wants, can split into any number of people including his Wife, Children, Teen children, and Pets, as he can never die unless all Poppulians die/ He first arrived on earth meeting the fantastic 4 and loved the place so much he wants to Visit constantly/ He is Mostly A Nuisance if anything/ Voiced by Dana Snyder)

Impossible Man: Hey! Are you the Y/n L/n!?

Y/n: Yes, I am! Now why the hell are you at my school!?

Impossible Man: Look I'm not for Groveling but... PLEASE! PLEASE YOU GOTTA HELP ME! I'M BEING HUNTED!

Y/n: What by Who?

Impossible Man: The Super Skrull!!

Y/n: Super Skrull?

Impossible Man: Yes, He is an Alien with all of the Fantastic 4's Powers! You gotta help me!

Y/n: Okay, Okay, I'll Help, I'll Help, it's what I do. Mogana go and get everyone to safety, I'm fighting this Guy.

Mogana: Right!

She then ran off as Impossible Man got up Hugging you!

Impossible Man: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Just then the Wall Blew up as A Figure Began walking in.

Impossible Man: MAMA NO!!

He then transforms into A Trash can and is behind you!

Y/n: So I suppose you're the Super Skrull?

Y/n: So I suppose you're the Super Skrull?

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