Spoiling Mitsuri!

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Of course, after You had come home and after you had completely healed You had Taken Mitsuri to your room and you dropped her on her Bed as Mitsuri was A Blushing mess the entire time.

Mitsuri: Oh Schnookums, You're so Kind~!

Y/n: Well that's good because I already made you some Sakura Onigiri.

You presented her A Plate full of the stuff and Mitsuri smiled downing them all stuffing her Cheeks Like A Chipmunk before swallowing in repeated turns.

Mitsuri: Oh This is so perfect Honeybunch~!

Y/n: Not done yet.

You then removed her Boots and you began to massage her feet as Mitsuri began to feel Huge Pangs of pleasure go from her feet and go through the rest of her body, as she was in Heaven.

Mitsuri: Aaah~ Is this Nirvana~?

Y/n: Nope but close!

You Kept this up for A Little while Unil Mitusri dragged you up using her Immense strength and she Placed your head on her chest before the two of you Began to exchange A Bunch of Kisses.

Mitsuri: Oh Sweetie you spoil me way too Much~

Y/n: Aww, But you're worth spoiling all Over, Mitsuri~

Mitsuri: EEEEEEEEEE~! I Love you so Much~!

She then Began Kissing you A Bunch of times on the face showering you with A Swarm of Kisses!

Well, she is the Love Hashira.

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