The Return of Gon Freeces!

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It was A Normal day as Usual as you were just doing your Normal thing, when suddenly you got A Text from A Friend you hadn't talked to for A Long time.

Y/n: Huh? This Is from Gon. But That's Impossible Unless... (Reads Text)

Just then Ren and Ran and Math all ran in to see what's the Problem!

Ren/Ran: Big Brother are you Okay!?

Math: What Happened, bro!?

Y/n: Go Get Killua and Biscuit! Something huge had Happened!


You were all waiting at the Docks of New Tokyo because of what you had heard.

Killua: Are you sure it isn't Some Prank?

Y/n: Come on Little brother, I'm sure it's Not.

Killua: Tch, Don't call me that!

Biscuit: Well here comes the Boat.

Suddenly the Boat came to the Dock and A Bunch of people walked out the very last person walked out it was someone you all didn't believe at first.

Gon: Hey, Guys!

Gon Freeces (He is A Kid and an Up and coming Nen Master who was Trained by Biscuit herself/ He uses A Fishing Rod and his Nen ability which is A Game of Rock Paper Scissors/ He was abandoned by his Shit hole dad A Long time ago and Rarely ever se...

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Gon Freeces (He is A Kid and an Up and coming Nen Master who was Trained by Biscuit herself/ He uses A Fishing Rod and his Nen ability which is A Game of Rock Paper Scissors/ He was abandoned by his Shit hole dad A Long time ago and Rarely ever sees him/ When the Chimera Ants first attacked he got enraged and used his full power on Pitou for killing his Master Kite and it nearly killed him taking his use of Nen away from him temporarily and even forming A Sense of Necrosis on his Body/ He is Okay Now)

You were about to Go for Gon first but Killua Hugged him smiling.

Killua: You had me worried you dunce. I'm so happy you're Okay Best Buddy.

Biscuit then walked over giving him some head pats.

Biscuit: Missed one of my Best Students as well.

You then Hugged all Three of them since they were all smaller than you and you smiled!


Math: Wait, who is Gon?

Y/n: Oh Go? He's one of my best Friends!

Math: I-I thought I was your best friend...

Y/n: One of! You are still Number One,  Best Buddy!

Math: Yes!!

Ren/Ran: Yay! Big brother have A New Friend!

Y/n: Come on Gon You need to eat up after Nothing but Terrible Hospital food through A Tube for so Long!

Gon: Well if you say so.

Y/n: Yep!

You all began walking back to your House when suddenly...

Y/n: (Thoughts) Wait how am I going to explain Mereum to Him? Oh My God how Am I going to explain Pitou with him without him trying to slaughter her again? I'm probably going to need to Hold him Back during the entire time! This can't be Good.

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