That's one Big Star Fish!/ Stopping Prune Face!

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You and Hal soon Teleported onto another world that was being Ravaged by Millions of Little Starfish attached to people's faces like Face Huggers turning them into slaves, as you looked around.

Y/n; Alright where is that- HOLY HELL THAT IS A BIG STARFISH!

Starro (He is A Massive Starfish who ravages entire worlds taking over their entire Populations with Billions of Little spores/ He has been stopped by the Justice League many times before when he tried to attack Earth)

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Starro (He is A Massive Starfish who ravages entire worlds taking over their entire Populations with Billions of Little spores/ He has been stopped by the Justice League many times before when he tried to attack Earth)

Hal: Yep, that's Starro alright!

Starro: Huh? HAHAHAHAHAHA! They Only sent two Green lanterns? PATHETIC! It would take like A Million Green Lanterns in order to stop me! You can't even!

He then sent Thousands of Spores to try and Infect you and Hal but Hal Made A Machine gun to stop them all as you built A Sword with your Green Lantern and cut the rest down!

Starro: H-How!? I sent Thousands!

Y/n: Our Will Power is too Great! Now Take this!

You then built A Massive Green Construct of...


A Giant Space Crab which Began to tear into Starro ripping him apart!

Hal: Smart!

Y/n: Thanks! Now, Little Feet!!

You then used A Stand to slice him and He Began shrinking down to the size small enough to Put into A Green construct of A Jar.

Y/n: Here you go Little Guy. Do you need some Fish Food?


Hal: Good Job! Now we Just need to find Sinestro.

Y/n: Right, but where would he Be?

Hal: Wait, He would want to destroy the Green Lantern Core and that means... Mogo!

Y/n: Mogo?

Hal: He Creates and Guides all Green Lantern rings and if he's destroyed!

Y/n: No More Green Lanterns! We need to go! Hold on!


Mogo (He is A Living Planet who creates and Guides all Lantern rings across the Universe/ He can control the ground, water, air, and Plants around him to do whatever he wants on top of creating Truly massive Planet-destroying Willpower blasts)

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Mogo (He is A Living Planet who creates and Guides all Lantern rings across the Universe/ He can control the ground, water, air, and Plants around him to do whatever he wants on top of creating Truly massive Planet-destroying Willpower blasts)

In the Core A Certain Prune-Faced man was flying through planning to Unleash A Blast of Fear strong enough to blow Mogo up in one Blow!

Sinestro (He is A Former Green Lantern who Grew Jealous of Hal's exploits and went as far as to try and frame him for A Murder of a GL Member, but then he discovered the power of A yellow Lantern ring and formed the Sinestro Corps the sworn enemie...

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Sinestro (He is A Former Green Lantern who Grew Jealous of Hal's exploits and went as far as to try and frame him for A Murder of a GL Member, but then he discovered the power of A yellow Lantern ring and formed the Sinestro Corps the sworn enemies of the GL Corps)

Sinestro: Well here we go, Now I can end this once and for- GAH!

He was suddenly shot from before by A Willpower blast as he fell to the ground!

Sinestro: Jordan!

Hal: Hey Prune Face, how is it going?

Y/n: Prune Face? HA! He does Look like A Prune!

Sinestro then Created A Yellow Mirror construct and Looked into it to see A Prune.

Sinestro: GAH! You Can not beat me! I am the leader of the Sinestro corps and I shall-

Y/n: Chit Chat.

Sinestro: But-!

Y/n: Chitty Chitty Chat chat!

Sinestro: You-!

Y/n: Chit Chat.


Y/n: Uh-Huh.

You created A Green construct of A Masterball and you caught him.

Y/n: Here you go, Hal.

Hal; A Pokeball? Smart.

Y/n: Thanks! I guess you would want the Ring back and-

Hal: Nope, you can keep it. You're clearly very capable of using it.

Y/n: Thanks, Hal. I appreciate it.

Hal: You're welcome. You're A Great Green Lantern and A Great Hero.

Y/n: You too Hal.

Sinestro: (Inside GL Pokeball) HEY! GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Y/n: Shut up you're ruining A Moment!!

You then began shaking him inside his ball.

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