Y/n's Canon Event!

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Ai was just in the estate living room Playing with Ruby and Aqua and she was Playing Patty cake with them when suddenly she heard A Knock at the door.

Ai: Oh Who is that?

She then walked over to the Door and Opened it to reveal Miguel.

Ai: Oh? Spiderman?

Miguel: Yes, I Suppose so.

Ai: Are you here for Y/n?

Miguel: No. I'm here for you.

Ai: What do you- AAAACK!!

Suddenly Miguel Punched her right in the chest he literally Impaled her with his Clawed Fist!

Suddenly Miguel Punched her right in the chest he literally Impaled her with his Clawed Fist!

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Ruby/Aqua: MOM!!!

All Ai could hear though was the sound of death coming for her as she fell to the ground bleeding out and Miguel saw Ruby and Aqua Looking in horror and Fear.

Miguel: Talking Babies Huh? They are Witnesses, and... (Shines Claws) Accidents can Happen.

But Just then...


You then slammed your feet into his face as he flew and slammed into A Building nearby destroying it!

Miguel: ¡Dios mío, qué diablos fue eso!? Espera, ¿¡cómo llegaste aquí tan rápido!?

Y/n: no hablo español Jackass!!

Miguel: Nrgh, So What? I can beat you!

???: Not Just him but all of us!

Just then the rest of the Spider people arrived!

 Miguel: Heh, Yeah who cares, I can still beat you all!! BRING IT!

They all Began fighting as you quickly fed Ai A Senzu bean and suddenly her chest wound healed completely with no scar and now she's completely fine!

Ai: Y/n...?

Y/n: Oh Thank God Ai Never scared Me or the Kids Again! My Heart can't take it! I Love you so Much!

Ai then touched your cheek as she smiled.

Ai: Don't worry about it, I won't be gone anytime soon.

Meanwhile, the Spiderman were fighting against Miguel as they were all Ganging up on him!

Spiderman: Fire!

Spidey and Gwen were firing Random Heavy Objects at him with A Web slingshot and then Miles grabbed him from behind and began trying to Inject him with Vemom!


He then threw him off only to have A Safe fall on his head, and Spider-Ham walked by wiping his hands.

Miguel: What? Am I supposed to be scared of A cartoon?

Spider-Ham: You got A Problem with Cartoons?

Spider-Ham then Begins to Beat Miguel with A Bunch of Hammers, and other heavy objects as Miguel is being beaten silly, and soon he threw everyone off him as he got furious!


Y/n: Huh!? What are you talking about!?

Miguel: The Canon event happens to every Hero and you stopped yours, Keeping her from dying so It is My Duty to make sure it Happens! She has to die!

Spiderman: Yeah, that's what you think.

Miguel: What do you mean?

Spiderman: I Lost my Uncle Ben, everyone here had Lost someone. Miles his own Uncle, Noir his uncle Benjamin, Everyone here had lost everyone, and that is something we all share, but it's never the mask that makes Spiderman it's the person underneath that makes them so.

He took off his Mask and Looked down at Miguel.

Spiderman: I have been through so Much Losing plenty I Cared about my Uncle, My Gwen, and even my Friend Harry, but I never or ever will turn out to be anything like you. You're not Spiderman, You're Just A Monster using the Spiderman Mask and Name.

Miguel: I... I see... Forgive me I had made A Grave Mistake.  Maybe I'm wrong, but... Maybe I'll be back, but who Knows?

He then disappeared.

Y/n: Hey Pete.

Spiderman: Yeah?

Y/n: Those are some amazing Words. Too True.

Spiderman: Thanks. Do you think He'll be back?

Y/n: Maybe, but we'll beat him through, Just like this time.

Ai was thankfully Okay and she was comforting Ruby and Aqua, who were scared for her again.

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