Senko-San Is here to Stay!

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Soon after Senko-San showed up every day you showed up back home Senko-San made you A Big dinner, would draw you up A Bath, and tuck you into A Bed, as if you were A Little Boy, And soon you had to stand up for yourself.

Y/n: Senko-San, We need to talk.

Senko: Huh? What is it Y/n?

Y/n: I am sick and Tired of this.

Senko: What do you mean?

Y/n: I am A Man Senko! I can do these things by myself! I don't need you to help me!

Senko then stopped dropping her rice spoon on the Table, as she turned around Looking saddened.

Y/n: S-Senko-San?

Senko: Y/n-San, I Just want to help you. I want to Pamper you so you can feel better, because... I saw A Dark aura around you. You never realized it but you were stressed and depressed and annoyed, and I want to help you through it. I'm sorry.

Y/n: N-No I'm sorry! I-I just didn't mean any of that! Look I'm eating the Rice See? See I'm happy!

Senko: Y/n-San, I'm sorry It's Just... I only ever care about your Happiness and I won't leave until that dark aura is away. Understand?

Y/n: Yes, Senko-San.

Senko: Good, Now do you want seconds? I have plenty of Tofu stored up so You can have as much as you like! 

Y/n: (Thoughts) Man she loves Tofu way too Much... To be honest, Senko is Just Like my Mom to some degree except she's Like A Grandmother... I do... Sort of missed that feeling... No! Get your mind together Y/n!  No Time to relax!

Senko: Here is some Fried Tofu, Y/n-San!

Y/n: Thank you, Senko-San.

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