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You were just leaving school smiling to yourself as you two saw two girls at your school with A Girl from the previous year giving A Friend and A Girl of your Year some snacks, and they were both enjoying themselves.

Katakura Senpai and Aya-chan (Katakura is A Friend of yours from your years here at school and she loves snacks/ Aya-chan is A Former girlfriend of yours from Middle school and she loves baking, The two of you broke up for some reason)

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Katakura Senpai and Aya-chan (Katakura is A Friend of yours from your years here at school and she loves snacks/ Aya-chan is A Former girlfriend of yours from Middle school and she loves baking, The two of you broke up for some reason)

Y/n: Hey Katakura!

Aya: Oh I Better get going, don't want to interrupt you two. I'll see you later Katakura-Senpai!

Katakura: You too, Aya-chan!

The two of you were now walking home as you looked at Katakur's belly which was very round and soft.

Katakura: Something wrong?

Y/n: Nothing I'm Just surprised you Met Aya.

Katakura: You two know each other?

Y/n: Yeah, She was my Junior by one year from Middle school. I could barely recognize her because she slimmed down.

Katakura: Oh, Really?

Y/n: Yeah, She was about as big as you right?

Katakura: (Blushing) Eeeeeh!?

She then saw her belly finally realizing it.

Y/n: Let me guess you have been accepting snacks from her? Like sweets, meats, and Cheese?

Katakura: Uh-Huh...

She remembered how her Junior would always approach her and give her snacks such as Slices of meat, Slices of Cheese, and stuff like Cupcakes, donuts, slices of Cake, Pie, stuff like that.

Y/n: Don't worry about her, she's cool. I guess she likes you.

Katakura: Right, Thanks...


Katakura was undressing in the mirror in her House as she looked at her body and realized what you meant.

Katakura was undressing in the mirror in her House as she looked at her body and realized what you meant

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Katakura: I have to stop eating so much, I hate to refuse Aya-chan's food but... I'm beyond chubby at this Point...


Aya: Huh!? What do you mean!?

Katakura: It's not you, It's me Aya-Chan, I have to go on A Diet. I'm Getting Fat.

Aya: Okay but at least allow me to give you one last meal! One final go at it just for you!

Katakura: Well... Okay, If you want, but that's it.

Aya: Deal!


Katakura and Aya were now in the School's cooking club kitchen Just the two of them all alone, as Aya was fixing up her sleeve carrying A Whisk smiling.

Aya: Alright Katakura-Senpai, I'm going to make the very best meal I ever did!

Katakura: I sure am Excited!

Aya: But first Have A Donut! I made this one all by myself!

Katakura: Thank you!

She then ate the whole donut and she began to pass out as all she could see is Aya-chan standing over her smiling, but not like A Happy smile but Like A Creepy Yandere-ish Smile.

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