Another Chimera Ant Invasion!

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Soon after Gon had returned suddenly the entirety of New Tokyo was being attacked by Chimera Ants as they were all being Gathered for A Huge Feast Just for their queen which you Managed to overhear it all!

Y/n: OH CRAP! I Gotta Tell Meruem!

You then quickly went to Meruem to tell him and you told him what you heard.

Meruem: That does sound like something I had done before back before I had met Komugi, but... That is something I would never do Now.

Y/n: So who do you think would do this then?

Meruem: Zazan.

Y/n: That Bitch.

Meruem: Yes, she had gone too far this time.

Y/n: So will you help us protect New Tokyo?

Meruem: Yes, I shall, you can count on me and my Royal Guard.

Y/n: Good! I'll go get Gon, Team RWBY, Killua, Medaka, and Erza, all together! The rest will hold down the fort!

Meruem: Right. I shall Join you in stopping Zazan personally.

Y/n: Why?

Meruem: She is giving all of the Chimera Ants A Terrible Name.

Y/n: Hmph, Right.


Meanwhile, A Small Boat was heading for New Tokyo and The Captian was getting worried.

Captian: Look Kid I'm not sure we can go to port. The place is pretty much being overrun by A Bunch of  Chimera Ants. I little girl like you shouldn't be here right now.

???: Little girl? Do you know who I am?

Captian: No? Who are you?

Kite: My Name is Kite, Hunter, Now take me there, before my Students get Hurt!

Kite (She was Once Gon and Killua's master who was killed by Pitou but after being eaten by A Queen and having his body parts turned into A Chimera ant, all of his memories were kept and now she's this Chimera Ant Little girl/ Her Nen ability it t...

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Kite (She was Once Gon and Killua's master who was killed by Pitou but after being eaten by A Queen and having his body parts turned into A Chimera ant, all of his memories were kept and now she's this Chimera Ant Little girl/ Her Nen ability it to roll A Number and get A Random Random most of the time not to her Liking)

Captian: Uh... Right Kid. If you wanna get yourself Hurt be my Guest.

Kite: Freaking Jerk, I Know Gon and Killua need me. They've grown so Much stronger over this time but they still have Much to learn. I'm coming you two, don't worry.

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