Young Love!

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You were stuck in A Room with Mino and Shiori after Their Grandparents had left the room to sort some stuff out, and you were Just sitting there waiting for them to return when Mino then Hugged you.

Y/n: Something going on?

Mino: You're very Handsome Y/n-Kun~!

Y/n: Handsome? Would you say Like A-

Mino: Like an Idol! Yes!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Yep here we go.

Shiori: I-It's not Like I Even Like You Idiot, but... I Want A Hug too, Dolt!

She then Hugged you as well.

Y/n: Tsundere~?

Shiori: (Blushing) S-Shut up!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Well I Guess this means two new Super cute Harem Members. Story of my Life.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Ine and Shouzou watched from outside the slightly Ajar door, and they were both excited to see their Granddaughters finding A Good Man to Love.

Ine: It seems like our Granddaughters have finally found someone to Love. It Almost reminds me of you, Grandpa.

Shouzou: You too Grandma. Heh, I can't wait until we can have Great grandchil-

Suddenly Ine grabbed his Lips making him shut up.

Ine: Later.

Shouzou: (Muffled) Right, Got it.

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