A Confession from Kae!

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Soon After Tutoring Kae, she was able to Pass the Test and finally was able to enjoy summer vacation and do all of the stuff she wanted without summer school getting in the way.

Of course, there was something she wanted to do first.

You were getting your Estate ready for summer when Kae walked up to you.

Kae: (Blushing) Hey Y/n...

Y/n: Oh Hey Kae, You excited for summer?

Kae: (Blushing) Yes. I've been wanting to say something.

Y/n: Sure, what is it?

Kae: (Blushing) Well I have been thinking about this for A While and I wanted to say... I really Like you... I mean you always Treated me so Nicely even when I wasn't as Beautiful as of Now and... I want to be A Part of your Harem.

You just smiled and Hugged her and Kissed her as she blushed.

Y/n: Aww, Welcome to the Harem Kae.

Kae was Now Blushing bright pink.

Kae: (Blushing)T-Thank you...

Y/n: You're Just so Adorkable and Perfect~!

Just then Chibiusa who saw everything walked up to the both of you and smiled.

Chibiusa: Papa?

Y/n: Hm? Yes, Chibiusa?

Chibiusa: Well, You Know I'm from the Future right?

Y/n: I'm pretty sure that's stated fact Now.

Chibiusa: Well Momma Kae wanted to hand you two this when you get together. It's A Picture of your wedding Day.

Kae took the Photo and she stood there shocked.

Y/n: Kae? Kae What's wrong?

You then Took the Photo and it was both very Wholesome, Cute, and Surprising.

You then Took the Photo and it was both very Wholesome, Cute, and Surprising

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A/n: Just Imagine yourself in the Place of the Guy in the white Tux

Y/n: Kae, What's wrong?

Kae: Y/n... I'm not going to be beautiful forever...

You Just Hugged her smiling.

Y/n: Kae, Stop that. I don't care if you're Skinny, Fat, or anything like that, because in my eyes you will always be beautiful and Perfect, and this Photo Proves that even in the Future This will always be proven the Same.

Kae: I Love you so Much~

Y/n: Me too Kae~ Me too~

Chibiusa Just walked off smiling.

Chibiusa: Have Fun Papa! Momma Kae!

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