Important Question!/ Update!

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Hey everyone I'm sorry for not Updating this for A Little while, I had really gotten into A Brand new story I had been pouring myself into, and I kind of love it! 

Don't worry I am still working on this story! It is the Greatest Story I ever made at this Point! No doubt about that considering how many readers I get on this even in book 13! My Old Ben 10 story is A Close second I Guess.

Anyway Here is My Question. Should The Reader Get The Eight Handled sword Divergent sila Divine General? It is going to take any blow he Takes and make him more resistant to it, Kind of Like Doomsday or SCP 682 But Much slower I assume but I am afraid it is going to make him far too OP, I would love to know all of your Opinions about it and if I should give you that or not at some Point.

 Should The Reader Get The Eight Handled sword Divergent sila Divine General? It is going to take any blow he Takes and make him more resistant to it, Kind of Like Doomsday or SCP 682 But Much slower I assume but I am afraid it is going to make hi...

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Anyway, the Next chapter is coming out soon! I have some Ideas Cooking in my brain! So Thank you all for waiting! I really appreciate it!

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