The new Beauty in School!

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Soon Kae Returned to school as she was now A Truly skinny beauty whom everyone stared at unable to recognize her and her new Skinny body.

Kae: (Thoughts) It's so different Now. It's Like everyone is Just staring at me. It's making me so nervous.

She soon then walked into Class where everyone was Looking at her as soon as she entered and was discussing who she was. She then spotted Amane and ran to her Tearing up.

Kae: Amane! I'm sorry you were worried about me but I broke my phone by accident and I couldn't contact you during the entire week!

Amane: Huh!? Kae that's you!?

Everyone else: HUH!? THAT'S SERINUMA-SAN!?

Kae: I'm sorry.

Amane: What Happened to you? Your... Your so different Now?

Just then the entire class Began trying to talk to her wondering what happened to her.

Meanwhile with you...


You then snapped out of it and walked over to Kae.

Y/n: (Blushing) Hey Kae.

Kae: Huh? Y/n-San?

Y/n: Yeah, It's me. I wanted to say. You Look really Good. Like Wow, That's really Good.

Kae then Began Blushing as well, never really expecting that.

Y/n: I wanted to say I was sorry for hitting that Ball in your face Last week, but this is something I never expected. You Look... Beautiful.

Kae: T-Thank you...

Y/n: I was wondering something though.

Kae: Yeah?

Y/n: (Blushing) Would you... Like to Hang out after school? I mean we can check out A Movie, maybe Buy you some new Clothes since you lost all that weight, and Maybe Grab something to eat. How does that sound?

Kae: (Blushing) Huh!? W-W-Well-

Amane: Oh She would love to! She'll see you tomorrow! Let's say 1 PM?

Y/n: Oh Sure! I gotta get to the Student Council now. Bye!

You then Instantly Transmitted out of there.

Kae: Amane what was that!?

Amane: Kae you Just got A Date! From the Cutest Guy in school!

Kae: (Blushing) Well Yeah... B-But I always Imagined Him with Other Guys... A Lot of other cute guys...

Amane: Yeah, but An Oppurtunity like this would never Pop up again. Come on!

Amane then Began dragging her off.

Kae: W-Wait, what are you doing!?

Amane: We Gotta Plan for this Date! It's your first date ever! Come on!

Kae was so nervous that she felt like she Might actually explode from this. Her Favorite Yaoi Shipping Guy is about to go on A Date with her. 

Her Life seriously became something else.

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