Happy Birthday, Sailor Moon!

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Usagi Just walked into the Estate's Mansion dropping her Book Bag and taking A Deep breath to herself making A Long sigh.

Usagi: UGH! God I hate School! It's so Bad...!

Y/n: But I bet you'll love this!

You then revealed yourself coming in Carrying A Cake!

Y/n: Happy Birthday My Moon Bunny!

Usagi: AWWWWWW! You remembered!!

Y/n: Yep and I made your favorite! Chocolate Cake!

Usagi: Yay!! You're Just the best at-

Chibiusa: Yay! Cake! Thank you, Papa!

Usagi: HEY! What are you doing with my Cake!?

Chibiusa: Our Cake Dummy! We share A Birthday! Don't be A Pig!

Usagi: PIG!? I am older than you So It's my Cake!

Chibiusa: Share it!

Usagi: No! It's One for One!

Chibiusa: One for All!

They both began tugging it back and forth.


You stopped them both by grabbing the Cake and holding it over their heads.

Y/n: Either you two get along or no Birthday cake! This is both of your birthdays! Not Yours Usagi! And Chibiusa don't insult your Mom You're Half of her you know.

Usagi/Chibiusa: Sorry...

Y/n: Good. Now Enjoy some Cake! I also have Plenty of Pork Buns, Cookies, Candy, and even of course Milkshake!

Usagi/Chibiusa: YAY! LOVE YOU SO MUCH Y/N!/ PAPA!

Y/n: Alright you two Get together now! I'm Gonna Take A Photo of you two Now!

You then took A Photo of the two with The Birthday Cake.

You then took A Photo of the two with The Birthday Cake

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Y/n: Happy Birthday Moon Bunny and Mini Moon Bunny!

Happy Birthday Sailor Moon and Chibi Sailor Moon! 6/30!

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