Trapped in A Fairy Tale!

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A/n: Warning this is the Author's Take on RWBY's Volume 9 because RWBY had gone down the Hill in recent years. Please enjoy.

You were sleeping on A Beach in A Mysterious Land as you were just sleeping when suddenly you woke up.

Y/n: Ugh... What Happened...? 

You then got up and saw it was nowhere you know.

Y/n: W-Where Am I?

You Looked around and it was just beach and water as far as you can see.

Y/n: Okay I gotta search for someone!

You then ran in one direction and you came out the other direction.

Y/n: Huh? Wait? What? But I Just-

You did it several more times until you were done with it.

Y/n: Okay what the hell is going on anymore?

You then tried sensing some energy but nothing.

Y/n: Damnit! Nothing!

You were walking around when suddenly you heard Ruby's Voice!

Ruby: Y/N!!

Y/n: RUBY!

You then ran over and Found Ruby!

Y/n: Ruby are you Okay!?

Ruby: Yeah, I am!

Y/n: What Happened? Why are we here?

Ruby: I... I can't remember... The Truth is We were fighting against someone in Atlas when suddenly We woke up here.

Y/n: Don't worry we'll find A Way out. Wait, where is your Scythe?

Ruby: It's gone. I don't know where it is. But I did find something.

Y/n: Is it A Weapon?

Ruby: No But Look at this!

She then pulled out A Mouse.

Y/n: A Mouse?

Ruby: His Name is Somewhat! I named him myself!

Somewhat: Hi!

Somewhat ( A Little Mouse who wants to be A Hero/ Didn't have A Name until Ruby Named them)

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Somewhat ( A Little Mouse who wants to be A Hero/ Didn't have A Name until Ruby Named them)

Y/n: Oh Hey.

Ruby: They're my Friend!

Somewhat: Friends!

Y/n: Okay then. Somewhat have you seen our Friends?

Somewhat: Who?

Y/n: A Blonde Woman with A Rat nest of hair, A Woman with Cat ears, and A Ice Queen.

Somewhat: Hmmm, Yes I've seen them.

Y/n: Really? Can you show us?

Somewhat: Sure Friend!

Later after Finding The rest of Team RWBY...

Weiss: Okay so what happened to all of our weapons? I mean I lost my rapier, Blake Lost her whip, Ruby Lost her Scythe, and Yang...?

Yang: (Extremely Matter of Fact) I Lost them to A White Rabbit in A Suit screaming about how he's so Late for something that he never clarified.

Weiss: ...

Weiss Just went into A Corner and Began trying to wrap her head around everything as she was confused as Hell.

Somewhat: Oh You're Talking about the white Rabbit.

Ruby: The White rabbit?

Somewhat: Yeah, he always has A Job somewhere and he never bothers Talking to anyone because he's so Late for his Job. Nobody knows where he works though.

Ruby: So We can find him to get our weapons back right?

Somewhat: I Guess so. I don't know.

Y/n: Don't worry my weapons are with Requip Magic so I can still protect us! Let's go, team!

Blake: You're the Boss.

Yang: Alright then.

Weiss: I don't get it, How does it make any sense, what is this place, It makes absolutely no sense...

You all then began to walk into the Forest, as something watched from Afar.

???: So That Rose girl is showing signs of doubt huh? Perfect. My Ticket to the Gods.

The thing then Began following all of you into the Forest.

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