The Silk Worm!

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You all continued to follow Curious Cat but soon you all quickly Lost him again, due to him becoming Mostly invisible and being so very fast!

Weiss: Sorry Ruby couldn't you catch up with him?

Ruby: Well I'm sorry but He's partially invisible!

Y/n: BOTH OF YOU STOP! Fighting won't help!

Somewhat: Yeah, This Forest is very dangerous.

Blake: How come?

Somewhat: Many dangerous beasts Live here.

Yang: Well It's My Kind of thing Let's fight them!

???: Hello.

You all then Began Looking around to see who said that but the Person said that again.

???: Down here.

You all then Looked at A Mushroom to see A Small Silk worm sitting on it.

The Silk Worm (A Tiny Creature who constantly asks the question "Who R U"/ They are very Little and very persistent/ Seems to be one of the most knowledgeable people in this Land)

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The Silk Worm (A Tiny Creature who constantly asks the question "Who R U"/ They are very Little and very persistent/ Seems to be one of the most knowledgeable people in this Land)

Ruby: Oh Hello there. I'm-

Silk Worm: Who R U?

Ruby: Huh? I was just going to say I'm Ruby Rose.

Silk Worm: No. Who R U?

Ruby: Um... I just said I'm Ruby Rose.

Silk Worm: No Your not understanding the question. Who R U?

Ruby: I... I just said-

Weiss: Quit it Ruby their either very stupid or very Stubborn.

Silk Worm: Who R U?

Weiss: I'm Weiss Schnee of-

Silk Worm: No, Not you. (Points at Ruby) Her.

Y/n: Well she's Ruby-

Silk Worm: No, Not you. (Points at Ruby) Just her. She Must answer.

Ruby: I'm... Ruby Rose... Leader of Team RWBY.

Silk Worm: Are you sure?

Ruby: Yes, I'm sure.

Silk Worm: Are you very sure?

Ruby: Y-Yes, I'm very sure.

Silk Worm: Good. I Must rest now. I just need to know.

They then yawned before walking into A Hallowed out Tree.

Yang: Well That was weird.

Ruby: W-Why did they ask if I'm sure? I'm A Leader, right?

Y/n: Ruby You're Most definitely one of the best Leaders I Know! Now we gotta find Schrodiengers Douche.

Blake and Weiss Both Chuckled, but Yang looked confused.

Yang: Who Shcrodienger?

Y/n: You Know his Cat?

Yang: Who has A Cat?

Weiss: This is why you should have paid attention in Class.

Yang: Well I didn't think it would be important right now.

Weiss: (Deadpan) Let's just go already.

Yang: Seriously who is Schrodiengers Cat? Is it That Cat? I don't know.

Ruby Just followed along feeling more doubt than ever, and Curious Cat Planned to lay more on top of her.

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