Training Team RWBY Again!

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You were in your Training room again and...

Y/n: Wait, you guys want more Training?

Ruby: Yeah, we wanna get strong like you!

Yang: Hell yeah!

Blake: Yep.

Weiss: I'm still tired of being stuck in the lowest Tier.

Y/n: Now You're Once again really sounding like my Friend Tien. Well, I can think of A Few ways on how to Train all of you, but the one I know is very dangerous.

Ruby: Oooh, What is it?

Y/n: Kaioken.

Yang: Kaioken? Pfft, That's nothing!

You then Bopped her over the head!

Yang: Ow! What was that for!?

Y/n: Yang, Kaioken is not A Joke! When Push comes to shove it can either save or end your life! If used Incorrectly It would destroy your Body from the Inside out! It is A Technique used by the Gods themselves! Its name literally means King of the World's Fist! 

Yang: Okay sorry Geez...

Y/n: If you all want to be Planet Busters or whatever Turtle School Training is the way. But I must warn you the Training will be Harsh, Brutal, and will be very Taxing on every Muscle in your Body.

Ruby: We're ready!

Weiss: Anything to get stronger.

Blake: Yep.


Y/n: Alright Montage time! Hit the Music!

Oh Okay! Let me search Youtube and... Aha! Here we go!

Y/n: Perfect.

The Montage Began with you giving each Member of Team RWBY their own Turtle Gi with weighted Shirts, Boots, and Armbands which weighed them down heavily!

You then Began to Train them by Making them skip while carrying Milk Crates and carry Huge Turtle shells on their Backs, and you made them Train under Multiple forces of Earth's Gravity until you made them tap out at 10X Earth's Gravity!

You Began to show them techniques like the Kamehameha which they were able to pick up in a short time, and Ruby specifically began learning the Spirit Bomb and Mafuba while everyone else was Picking up the Kamehameha.

Soon you Taught them Kaioken, which they were slowly surely able to Push to X3 With some exertment on their Part, but it proved to be Good enough!

Montage End!

Y/n: Alright you four May Pass, but I want to see one thing out of all of you! Show me Kaioken X4!

Weiss: Huh? But we never-

Y/n: You can do it! Show me! Show me X4 And you get my seal of approval!

Ruby: Hmph Right!


Suddenly their Bodies erupted in A Firey red aura as their powers were quadrupled in strength!

This all continued for all of 10 seconds but they all quickly passed out unable to Maintain that rampant power for so Long

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This all continued for all of 10 seconds but they all quickly passed out unable to Maintain that rampant power for so Long.

Y/n: Good Job, I actually felt something! You all Passed!

RWBY: (Tiredly) Yay... / Yipee.../ Hooray...

Y/n: You Know My Teachers would be Proud. Mainly Roshi and King Kai. With how strong RWBY Is getting at this point, they Might soon be some of the strongest girls I have ever met. Heh, All due to my teachings. Victory for Y/n.

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