A Minx and An Italian Cutie!

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You had then returned home after that long trip and when you walked inside your Living room you saw...


Fujiko Mine and Rebecca Rossellini were both on your couch enjoying your mom's Snacks.

Fujiko: Well we wanted to see you, but your Mom's snacks are too good.

Rebecca: It's too bad they're so Fattening.

Y/n: (Sweatdrop) That's my Mom's cooking for you...

Kinue: Alright then Future daughters in Law I made you some Chocolate Cake! (Notices you) Oh Hi Maa-kun, They came here to see you!

Y/n: (Sweatdrop) Yeah, I guessed that...

Fujiko then walked up to you and Began Sensually leaning her head on your chest making you Blush.

Fujiko: You Know Y/n, I always have An Attraction for you~

Y/n: (Blushing) R-Really? Wait A Second this isn't A Trick now is it!?

Fujiko: Nope, You My Kind of Man~

Rebecca then Hugged you from Beind as she smiled.

Rebecca: Yep, it was Fujiko who convinced me to come! You're Just too great!

Y/n: Thanks but what about the Vase?

Fujiko: Don't worry Lupin has it.

Y/n: Good, I rather trust him with that than-

They both then Kissed you on the cheek surprising you.

Kinue: Welcome to the Family!

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