Another Summer at the Lemon Beach House!

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Another summer had finally Begun and you were ready to spend it with your ladies, especially at the Lemon Beach House!

You were in your Usual Summer get up as you were so excited!

Y/n: Hahahahahaha! Yes! Another Perfect Summer! I have so much Planned!

Kae: Y/n, Wait for me!

Kae ran over smiling and she Looks something incredibly Beautiful.

Kae ran over smiling and she Looks something incredibly Beautiful

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Y/n: W-Wow! You Look... Amazing!

Kae: Thanks Y/n!

You then took Kae to the Lemon Beach House where Squid Girl and Sanae were working on some Picket signs.

Y/n: Hey Squid girl what are you doing?

Squid Girl: We're making picket signs to protest against Big Oil!

Y/n: Ah, Good thing. We don't want another BP Oil disaster.

Sanae: Oh Squiddy how's this?

She then revealed A Picket fence on A Stick.

Squid Girl: What the!? I said Picket sign, not Picket fence!

Sanae: How's this?

She then revealed A Sign with A Painting of A Finger Picking A Nose.

Squid girl: ... No. See Look at this. Big Oil Unfair. Short, simple, and to the Point.

Sanae: I think I got it!

She then revealed A Sign that said Funfair.

Squid Girl: No! I said unfair, Not Funfair!

Just then someone ran up.

Random Beachgoer: A Fun Fair? I Like Fun!

Sanae: Right at the Lemon Beach House!

Just then A Whole Bunch of people ran Squid Girl over.

Squid Girl: People care about the environment until their minds run somewhere else.

Kae: Wow, Your Friends really are Interesting.

Y/n: Yeah, Squid Girl is Cute with A Dash of self-importance.

Squid Girl: Barnacles! Dirty, Dirty Barnacles!

Just then Eiko showed up angry.

Eiko: Squid girl!!

Squid Girl: Yes, Ma'am?

Eiko: We have A Whole ecosystem of Hungry customers and you're not feeding them! Go do your Job!

Squid Girl: I- Yes Ma'am! I mean sir! I mean Poobah!

Eiko: GO!!

Squid girl then ran for the Lemon Beach House.

Eiko: I am so sorry about that, Y/n why don't you take your newest girlfriend to the Lemon Beach House and you can both have some Lemonade and Kebabs on the House?

Y/n: Of course!

Kae: Sure!

Eiko: Good, Just follow me.

Kae held your arm as you both went to the Lemon Beach House as you were ready for this awesome summer!

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