The Spiderverse!

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You were just in your room Just Looking over A Bunch of Textbooks for an Upcoming Text when you heard A Window Open and...

???: Hey.

Y/n: W-What!? Oh Hey, Gwen.

Gwen Stacy AKA Ghost Spider was standing in your room walking around.

Y/n: Gwen where have you been?

Gwen: Just exploring the greater Multiverse, but something had come up. Something... Big.

Y/n: Wait, what is it?

Gwen: It's something called the Spot.

Y/n: The Spot? Oh, What does he do? Has he been making dirty messes?

Gwen: No, It's Much worse. He's been opening rifts across the Multiverse, He's Possibly A Multiversal Threat.

Y/n: Oh... That's Bad.

Gwen: Quickly we have to meet with the other Spiderpeople!

Y/n: Wait, you mean Spiderman?

Gwen: Nope! Spiderpeople! Theres A Whole multiverse of Spiderpeople out there Y/n.

She then Jumped out the Window.

Y/n: Gwen!?

You then Looked out the Window and she was standing on the wall her mask back on.

Gwen: Well come on Slowpoke!

Y/n: Right!

You then Jumped out and you were both Traveling across the city until you both landed on top of A Warehouse and walked inside.

Y/n: Wait, A Warehouse?

Gwen: Well we needed to make this secret.

She then Opened the door and...

Y/n: Peter!

Spiderman: Y/n, I knew you would be here!

The two of you did A Bro Hug.

Spiderman: You couldn't believe how weird today is!

Y/n: Yeah, But It's been forever! Who else is here?

Just then A Black suit Spiderman landed in front of you two.

Miles Morales (He is the Spiderman of his Universe after his Spiderman died/ He has all of Spidey's Powers but also A Venom touch where he can inject people with Poison to paralyze them/ Voiced by Shamiek Alti Moore)

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Miles Morales (He is the Spiderman of his Universe after his Spiderman died/ He has all of Spidey's Powers but also A Venom touch where he can inject people with Poison to paralyze them/ Voiced by Shamiek Alti Moore)

Miles: Wow, So You're the Y/n L/n! You're Famous in my World Until Of course the Death of My Spiderman.

Y/n: Wait, what!?

Spiderman: Yeah, I know shock for me too, Bud.

Miles: But it's such A Pleasure to meet you, sir!

Y/n: Thank you but please call me Y/n, no need for that sir stuff.

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