Junko's New Form of Despair!

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Junko: Mukuro I have A Brand new Idea!

Mukuro: Okay what is it this time?

The Ultimate Fashionista and her Sister the Ultimate Soldier were hanging out when Junko came up with A New Idea from her Crazy despair craving Mind!

Junko: I want to get Fat!

Mukuro: ... Eh? 

Junko: I realized something Mukuro, Fat Means despair!

Mukuro: Why?

Junko: Because no one wants to be Fat, there is less food for everyone else, and A Lot more! I shall become huge enough to create so much despair for everyone around our boyfriend's home!

Mukuro: (Thoughts) That... Actually sounds Nice... Being so Big and Fluffy. (Out of thoughts) May I Join you, Sis?

Junko: Of course! That means even more despair! Double even if you manage to keep up! So Join in!

Mukuro: Great, Thank you, Sis.

Sometime Later...

Junko and Mukuro were eating and of course, Junko was having the time of her life thinking she was Creating so much Despair and Her sister just joined in on the Ride enjoying the fluffiness.

Junko: I didn't... NOMF!... Even Know... SNARMF!... That Burgers... HYAM!... COULD BE THIS BIG! Never going back, now that I do know...

Mukuro: (Thoughts) Should I even tell her my Milkshakes are even higher in Calories?

You of course walked in at this time and of course, you were surprised, to say the least

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You of course walked in at this time and of course, you were surprised, to say the least.

Y/n: (Blushing) J-Junko? M-Mukuro? W-What Happened while I was gone?

Junko: Oh Y/n, Doesn't it give you so Much Despair that I'm Using your Money to Get Fat~?

Y/n: (Blushing) N-No not really but May I Give you A Hug?

Junko: (Thoughts) Wait, that's another Point of Despair! I create the Despair of Hogging our Man, creating Despair for all of the other women! Perfect! (Out thoughts) Sure thing~

Junko then Hugged you and Began making you place your hands on her biggest Fat rolls, as she smiled thinking of how much Despair this would Create and how much you were Hugging her.

Mukuro: (Thoughts) Wow, This has to be the Most Healthy and Least destructive thing she had ever obsessed over. Good for her. I'm Proud of her.

Mukuro joined in as well, feeling Proud of her Sister, but also to hug you as well.

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