Kamen Rider! Henshin!

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You and Medaka were currently out on A Date as you were both out in an Outdoor area Just sharing some chocolate ice cream as Medaka smiled!

Medaka: Y/n I feel like it's been forever since we've been on A Date, especially since we're married!

Y/n: Yep, I never chose between any of my ladies, but you're definitely my Main girl~

Medaka: Oh Honey~

It was A Great day until suddenly A Bunch of Monsters appeared of all Kinds carrying swords, spears, and other weapons, as they also had A Giant flying monster fly by with A Fortress on its Back with Tendrils destroying everything in sight!

Y/n: (Sigh) Of fucking course...

Medaka: Don't worry sweetie, We can get back to our date later. Until then...

She then turned into Her Altered war God mode as one monster tried to stab her with A Spear but she then grabbed the spear and snapped it killing the Monster with one Punch!

Medaka: We can have some Fun Like you always do~

Y/n: I Love you so Much Medaka~

You then Turned Super Saiyan as you all Began fighting the foot soldiers but the Giant Fortress Monster was still destroying the city, and then you heard it...




Just then A Fox Like Figure Jumped in and joined the Fight!

Just then A Fox Like Figure Jumped in and joined the Fight!

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Y/n: Hey Geats! I'm surprised you showed up!

Geats: No Time! We need to stop them now! I need to talk to you.

Y/n: Right.

Medaka: A Fox?

Geats: My name is Geats and let me show you what I can do!


She then equipped A Pistol as she then began shooting every monster in sight as you heard two more things happen!




Just then two more People Jumped as they were starting to help clean up the Monsters as well!

Just then two more People Jumped as they were starting to help clean up the Monsters as well!

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Thanks to them You all quickly were able to stop all of the Monsters and you and Geats were both able to destroy the Giant Fortress Monster!

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Thanks to them You all quickly were able to stop all of the Monsters and you and Geats were both able to destroy the Giant Fortress Monster!

Medaka: Y/n, Who are these people? Friends of yours?

Y/n: Yes, this is Kamen Rider Geats and her Friends Tycoon and Na-go. 

Geats: There some terrible news we have to tell you.

Y/n: What? Did someone Die?

Kamen Riders: ...

They all remained silent as Geats Pulled out A Box and she opened the Box to reveal inside A Belt just like theirs but far Older and simpler in design it came with A Single Green Disk with what Looked like A Grasshopper mask detailed on it.

Y/n: Wait... No...

Geats: Yes, It's True. The Original Kamen Rider is dead. He wants you to become the Next Original Kamen Rider, as per his last wish.

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