The Big Four!

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In the Middle of the Mansion Nami, Sakura, and Rukia were all hanging out together doing each other's nails and drinking Tea, as they were talking about their Friends.

Nami: Ugh, I can't believe Luffy, He literally took some of my Money and used it to Buy meat! It's my Money!!

Sakura: Naruto tried to use Sexy Jutsu to get Free Ramen! Fucking Idiot.

Rukia: And Ichigo looked at my art and Said it was "Crappy". He doesn't know art! At least Y/n appreciates it.

Nami: Hehe, Yep...

Girls: Thankfully Y/n is taking him out of my hair! Huh!?

Sakura: You mean Y/n is dealing with all three of them?

Nami: I guess so.

Rukia: Well I Guess you better call them the Big 4!

She then revealed A Drawing of You, Luffy, Naruto, and Ichigo as Bunnies! Sakura and Nami Just sweatdropped.

With you...

You were walking down the Street with Naruto, Ichigo, and Luffy, as the two Idiots in the back were talking to each other.

Naruto: So I was Like "Rasengan" And I performed my very first ever Rasengan on that Kabuto bastard!

Luffy: HAHAHAHAHA! Awesome!! I bet it was like when I used Gum Gum Jet Gattling and beat Pidgeon guy to A Pulp! Now that was awesome!

Naruto: So Awesome!!

Ichigo: Y/n I don't know why you even wanted me to hang out with these two.

Y/n: Because You're like these two but truthfully you're going to keep me sane and you safe from Rukia.

Ichigo: Her Art is Crappy and I'm not taking it back!

Y/n: (Sigh) I'm Going to let that go once, Ichigo. So, Guys, we're going to know where we're going to eat! Any Ideas?

Luffy: Meat!!

Naruto: No Ramen!!

Luffy: MEAT!!

Naruto: NO RAMEN!!


Naruto: RAAAAMEN!!!


Y/n: I got A Better Idea anyway!


You had taken them all to a place where they serve ramen with huge chunks of meat inside of massive bowls!

Of course, Luffy and Naruto were trying to think of A Combined attack.

Luffy: Gum Gum... Blah blah...

Naruto: Wind style: Rasen...

Luffy/Naruto: Hmmm... Aha! Wind Style: Gum Gum Rasenagan!! AWESOME!

The two then High-fived!

Ichigo: Those two are Idiots but the food is so damn Good.

Y/n: Yep! Might make the recipe at home myself.

Ichigo: Good.

Y/n: Now everyone Get Together! I'm going to take A Picture!

You all got together and Took A Picture together!

You all got together and Took A Picture together!

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A/n: Imagine yourself in there as well

Y/n: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We're most definitely the Big Four!! (Thoughts) Maybe Natsu and Asta could get in this as well! Maybe we could be the Big Six? Or maybe more? Nah, Four is good for now!

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