The Goblin Slayer!

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You were walking through A Cave with Erza and Lucy because you had heard that some Strange things were happening outside of New Tokyo in the Agricultural Land. You didn't want to invite them but they insisted on coming, so They did.

Y/n: I'm not sure you two have come.

Erza: It's no Problem. We always have your Back.

Lucy: Yeah, Also Happy and Natsu were getting on my nerves today.

Y/n: They were-

Lucy: Breaking into my bedroom? Yes.

Y/n: Reports had said that Cattle were being eaten Alive, Fires were set to homes, and the crops were being trampled. I have A Suspicion of what it is, but I hate to say it.

Lucy: What is it?

Y/n: Goblins.

Lucy: Um... We Know Goblins.

Y/n: No! Not Those Goblins! The demented, Rapey, flesh-eating Goblins! Not the ones we know they're nice, civilized, and Kind. These monsters are fucking animals and that Is the exact Reason why I didn't want to bring you two. They Treat women like Baby Machines and traumatize them so badly that they Just give up on Life.

Erza: Well we're not Scared.

Lucy: Yeah!

Y/n: Wait, I heard something. Everyone Get prepared.

Erza and Lucy then Nodded, and then...

Erza: Requip: Clear Heart Clothing!! Pentagram Sword!!

Lucy: Star Dress: Aquarius-Gemini!!

She then summoned A Bunch of Clones of Zoro, Luffy, and Sanji made out of water!

Y/n: Okay Get Ready!

Just then A Bunch of Horrifying-looking goblins Jump Out as they were carrying Poorly made spears and slingshots, and they were accompanied by Huge, Bulky, Hobgoblins, who were each carrying Huge Clubs!

Y/n: Alright girls Attack! Poison-Shadow Dragon Roar!!

Erza: One Sword Style: Death Lion Song!!

Lucy Had all of her Water Clones attack as well as they all began to kill every Goblin in sight when suddenly A Giant Hobgoblin marched up towards Lucy ready to grab her!


Just then A Flaming Arrow hit the Hobgoblin in the eye burning it Alive as A Man in armor walked up and impaled it through the chest with his sword sending blood spurting everywhere!

???: 12.

Lucy: W-Wait, who are-?

Y/n: Goblin Slayer, You son of A Bitch.

Goblin Slayer: Y/n L/n. This is my Kill.

Goblin Slayer (He is the Ultimate Slayer of Goblins, their Nightmare, their Boogeyman, His quest is to wipe every gobin off the face of the Planet because they wiped out his village and killed and Raped his Older sister/ He is An adventurer with t...

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Goblin Slayer (He is the Ultimate Slayer of Goblins, their Nightmare, their Boogeyman, His quest is to wipe every gobin off the face of the Planet because they wiped out his village and killed and Raped his Older sister/ He is An adventurer with the Respect of very few people, because of how Absolute Insane he is, with how goblin slaying quest/ Nobody knows what he Looks like except for his Childhood best Friend, Cowgirl)

He then Grabbed A Barrel full of Gasoline and shoved it down the Cave Knocking several Goblins over before it Blew up at the Bottom setting Ablaze to the Goblin settlement!

Goblin Slayer: There's still survivors.

Lucy: Wait, How can they survive that!?

Goblin Slayer: They Just can. I counted. There is more.

He then walked down into A Hut and slammed A Door Open to find Goblin Infants.

Lucy: Wait, can't you let them Live!?

Goblin Slayer: No, They age rapidly Fast and they breed very Fast, and on top of that they hold grudges. If I were to leave them Alive, they would build A New Nest and personally Target adventurers for what I did to them. I can't let that Happen. You Might want to Look away for this.

He then took A Club and brought it down onto the Goblin Infants beating each and every one of them to make sure there are no survivors that weren't turned into A Bloody Pile of Guts and Blood! It was so Sickening that Lucy cried at the sight, and Erza felt Sick watching it, and You meanwhile Prayed for these Infants to go to heaven as they had done no wrong yet

Goblin Slayer: There may be A Good Goblin out there but, they May Not exist as well. I rather not run the Risk.

He then douses the Hut with Gasoline and lit it on Fire, as their entire Nest burned in A Mightly Blaze.

Goblin Slayer: That's all of them. If this Nest was allowed to fester and Grow then it would have become A Major problem. Any survivors would be killed in the Blaze.

Y/n: R-Right... Sorry about getting in your way...

Goblin Slayer: It's fine. Come with me.

Y/n: Why?

Goblin Slayer: You all can stay with me for the night. So Much had happened since we had parted ways, Hero.

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