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Suddenly you wake up on A Couch and Look around to see that you are in your Living room and that it is still dark outside so the lights are on. You Looked around confused as to whether that is A Dream or not.

Y/n: Wait, was that Real? I... I don't know If-

Just then A Tea Cart was Pushed into the room and it was the same woman as before as she then made herself A Cup of Tea.

???: I Am so sorry about that, I never knew you could see me. Usually, only children with Great Imaginations could do so, but I suppose you're the Rare Exception.

 Usually, only children with Great Imaginations could do so, but I suppose you're the Rare Exception

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Y/n: ...

???: Are you Okay? Do I need to-?


???: Oh Dear. Y/n! Y/n! Calm down! Happy Place Go to your Happy Place!


???: Well I Know You're Anya's Adoptive Father that's for Sure. She really looks up to you, you know. She would never stop talking about you when I first met her. Says you were all amazing and all that.

Y/n: Wait how do you-?

???: I'm her IF, Y/n.

Y/n: IF?

???: It's short for Imaginary Friend, We Just say IF Since it's A Lot easier to say.

Y/n: Wait A Second... Blossom?

Blossom: Well you are Correct Sir. I'm Blossom, Anya's IF.

Y/n: Wait, did she... Make you?

Blossom: Well not really, I'm part of A Placement Program.

Y/n: Placement... program?

Blossom: Yes, You see I come from A Retirement home for IFs and Usually when children grow up they forget all about us and even lose the ability to see, so we usually retire but some of us have people who can see IFs like yourself find us new Homes with Lovely and Amazing Children who are our perfect Matches.

Y/n: So... Is it like an adoption service?

Blossom: Pretty Much Yes, and You're one of the few Adults who can see us, But that was something I never expected.

Y/n: That's Probably the Shirangan working but I don't know. I never really saw an IF Before.

Blossom: That is to be expected. Now if you wouldn't Mind-

Y/n: No, No, Of course, You can stay here Blossom! Mi Casa is You Casa! Also between you and Me, Anya could use more Friends, but I'm saying that comes from A Caring Parental figure.

Blossom: Oh No I Understand, That's what IFs are for. We're here For Children with High active Imagination.

Anya: (Yawn) Blossom? Where are you?

Blossom: Duty Calls, I hope you enjoy the Tea, and Please if you can keep this between us. No One would really believe this now, would they?

Y/n: No, I Guess not.

Blossom then walked out as you began processing things through your head.

Y/n: So Imaginary Friends are real?....................................................... Huh, Neat.

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