Grabbing Horns!

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You were continuing to walk to school with Kirika when you remembered something that Happened A Long time ago.

Flashback Ten Years ago...

You were In the Sandbox with Kirika as the Same Yuki-Onna girl was being held back by her Lamia Friend.

Y/n: Hey Kirika, Can I Touch your Horns?

Kirika: (Blushing) N-Noooo~! Wait, Until we're adults then you can touch them~!

Y/n: Uh, Okay.

Flashback End...

Y/n: (Thoughts) You Know all of her had gotten Much bigger but that Includes... Her Horns. Maybe she would remember that Promise she made that time ago. (Out of thoughts) Hey Kirika, Can I... You Know... Touch your Horns?

Kirika: Y/n...

She then destroyed A Wall with One single Punch much to the shock of everyone around you two!

She then destroyed A Wall with One single Punch much to the shock of everyone around you two!

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Kirika: ... You disgusting pervert. get on your Knees.

You then did so.

Y/n: I'm sorry! I Promise! I never mean to be A Pervert and If I am then May I be crushed by A Flying Icecream Truck!


Y/n: See? No Flying Ice Cream Truck.

Kirika: I... Gotta go ahead, You stay here. No More Sexual Harassment Okay?

Y/n: Yeah, Sure! Promise! I never would!

She then ran off leaving A Dust Cloud Behind as she hid behind A Wall.

Kirika: (Thoughts) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! I-I wouldn't Mind him Touching my Horns but... Not now! Not Until at least we're married...!

A Thing about Oni is that their Horns can only be Touched by their Lovers, so that was unknowingly by you A Massive ask in her eyes

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A Thing about Oni is that their Horns can only be Touched by their Lovers, so that was unknowingly by you A Massive ask in her eyes.

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