147: VS Gang Orca & Co.

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"Get back, Y/n!! I'll take care of the henchmen!!" Shindo shouts, rushing in front of you. "Protect the evacuees with your ice!"

"Got it!!" You pull the water from the air, and create a wall of ice in front of the triage while they evacuate. Shindo crouches on the ground in front of you and presses his palms to the dirt.

"I'm going to hit 'em with shock waves spaced at one second intervals, so get ready!" He activates his quirk, and the ground underneath the henchmen tears apart. At the same time, you see Gang Orca jump forward, and you leap towards Shindo, trying to help him as you hit Gang Orca with a flurry of icicles. He smashes past them easily. "No!! Watch out!" Shindo barely pushes you out of the direct range of Gang Orca's attack, but you still get hit with some of the ultrasonic blast.

"Shindo!!" You reach out, but the two of you collapse to the ground, shaking and unable to move.

"Leaving only two minor anchors to deal with a threat like me, plus all of my henchmen...? Don't get cocky, kids!!" Gang Orca yells above you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see rapidly approaching ice, and barely activate your quirk in time to use your own to push Shindo and yourself out of the way. The two of you roll a few feet, still paralyzed, and land next to each other.

You groan, but can't move yet. Shindo looks equally frustrated by the situation, but can't do anything either. As Todoroki hits Gang Orca, several of your classmates join the fight. A strong wind blows, and causes you to roll against Shindo, with your arm over his. In the sky, Inasa appears, blasting the mock villains with wind.

"A villain incursion, is it?! What a heated turn of events they've decided to go with!!" He shouts. He spots Todoroki, and glares down at him. "Now why are you here?!"

Todoroki gives him an equally nasty look. "Why don't you go assist with the evacuation efforts? Your quirk is suited for that. I'll take care of these guys." It's a fair assessment, but it's obviously not why Todoroki is suggesting it.

Inasa grunts, and ignores Todoroki. The two boys blast attacks at Gang Orca, wind and fire, and neither hits due to the poor combination. The boys begin bickering and raising their voices at each other. You and Shindo struggle against the paralysis as you stare in shock at the two boys fighting. One of the henchmen successfully lands a hit on Todoroki, and cement coats his front. The two continue shouting at each other, and launch powerful blasts of fire and wind at Gang Orca's group.

Your eyes widen in surprise as Inasa's wind blows Todoroki's fire off course, heading directly towards you. As you lay there paralyzed, your mind freezes up in fear; the sight and heat of the flames bringing you back to your time with Dabi, and you cry out in fear. The ice you create isn't quick enough to form a wall, and Shindo grabs you by your waist, trying desperately to pull his body over yours to block you from the flames. Before they can hit either of you, you're both yanked into the air by Midoriya.

"Just what the hell... Are you two doing??!!!!" He screams at Inasa and Todoroki. "Now's not the time to be infighting!!!!"

Shindo pulls you tight against him, and the three of you crash hard against the ground. The landing knocks your helmet off, but Shindo wraps his arms around you, protecting your head as you tumble several meters away from Midoriya. He groans, and there's a sinister look in his eye. "Those absolute fucking idiots...!! They could have seriously hurt you!!! Are you okay?" His arm is still tucked under you with his hand cradling your head, and he props himself up on top of you as he stares down at you. He's still struggling against Gang Orca's attack, so his body is trembling. Shindo's hair is a mess, and his face is close to yours. If you weren't in the middle of an exam right now, you would be able to stare up at him for hours.

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