Chapter 71: The Practical Exam Part 2

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The three of you sit down together at the very back of the bus, as far away from Cementoss as you can.

"We need to come up with a plan to beat him." You tell the boys sitting on either side of you.

They both nod, and Sato rests his hand on his chin in a quizzical way. "I wonder why we're the three person team..."

"Cementoss is super manly! We're both close range attackers, while Y/n is more ranged, so maybe that's it."

"I'm a little nervous... Did you guys see how tough he was during the Sports Festival when he stopped Midoriya and Todoroki?" You say.

"Yeah... He's super strong, that's for sure... I'm still wondering why the three person team wasn't against All Might, though..." Sato says.

"Probably because of how strong Midoriya and Bakugou are. Not to mention how much they fight! I don't think I've seen them get along once!" Kirishima says.

You agree. "Aizawa did say that they took friendships and cooperation into consideration for the test. With Cementoss's quirk, he'll have no trouble dealing with all three of us at once. We need to come up with a counter..."

"Y/n, before he attacks, can't you cover the area in ice? It would be harder for him to move and attack," Kirishima says.

"I'll try! I'm hoping I can be fast enough..."

"You'll do great!"

"Yeah, and if he puts up any walls of his own, we'll just smash through them!!"

"We'll be there in about three minutes." Cementoss says from the front.

The three of you thank him and go back to planning.

"What kind of fight do you think it'll be? Like the battles you guys had in the Sports Festival?" Sato says.

"I have no idea... Given that we're all so far apart I'm wondering if the terrain has more to do with it..." You say.

"That would make sense why we can't just go one at a time in a single area," Kirishima says.

"Oh! Before I forget," you flip a compartment on your helmet open, revealing a few small earbuds.

"What are those?" Kirishima asks.

You take two out and hand one each to the boys. "These connect to my helmet so we can talk if we get split up!"

"That's really handy!" Sato takes his and slips it on under his costume. Kirishima does the same.

You do a quick test and they work great. As you close the compartment, the bus slows to a halt.

You are outside of one of the city zones, and get off of the bus.

"This is where we will fight. The time limit will be 30 minutes. You have two objectives: either place these handcuffs on me, or have one of you escape from the stage."

"We can really just run away?" You ask.

"Totally not manly..."

You dig an elbow into Kirishima's arm. "Shh!!"

"Sorry, sorry!"

"As I was saying, your options are fight or flee. This won't be like past battle training. This test is meant to simulate a true battle as closely as possible. It's important that you think of us as true villains. Fighting to win is fine, so long as you can actually accomplish it. If you feel you cannot win, running to call for backup may be your wisest option. Y/n, you should remember that lesson well."

Kirishima and Sato give you a weird look, and you know exactly what Cementoss is talking about. All of our teachers must know about what actually happened in Hosu...

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