Chapter 111: Into the Flames

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"Well, well, well... What do we have here, Twice?" A sinister voice calls from the trees.

You slowly raise to your feet, and wipe the water from your chin. "Who's there?"

"Look at that, we found a straggler." A black haired man covered in burn scars steps into the moonlit clearing towards you. Pulling water from the stream towards your hand, you ready yourself for an attack.

"I thought those UA kids were supposed to be refined and all proper! Not acting like an animal!" A man wearing a skin tight suit and matching mask follows the first. "She's totally graceful!"

"Huh...?" His contradiction throws you off. "Who are you two? Are you with that muscle freak in the League of Villains? What do you want with Bakugou?" You ask.

"Muscle freak, huh? Nah, you've got it the wrong way around: he's with us." The first man laughs. "I guess that means you beat him. Hmm... What a surprise, Izumi Y/n."

"You know my name?"

"We know all of your names. However, I have a personal interest in you..." His eyes trail down to your neck. "That necklace you have there... Where'd you get it?"

"What...? What does that matter...?" You ask. Fearing it's an attempt to distract you, you don't look down at it.

"I'm just curious is all... Word on the street is that the number two hero's taken an interest in you." He steps closer to you.

"So what if he has? It's normal to be interested in your son's friends, especially when they're aiming to be heroes, too..."

"Hah! Don't make me laugh. That man isn't interested in anything that isn't for his own personal gain. Especially not his kids, even his prodigy." He sneers. "Now... You may be high up on our kill list... But I have different plans for you." Blue flames flicker across his finger tips, and shadows dance across his already sinister face. "Twice, do it."

"One Dabi coming up! Can't you just do it yourself?!"

"Huh?" You look at the second man, and suddenly there's another of the tall dark haired villain. "So... Your name is Dabi... and the contradictory one is Twice, huh? I see why he's called that..."

"Don't think knowing our names will give you any advantages over us, sweetheart." The original Dabi chuckles.

"You're getting burned either way." The clone blasts fire towards you from your right, while the original blasts you from your left.

Thanks to the stream behind you, you're able to create a shield of water in front of you. The two Dabis continue blasting you, and step closer as they do, backing you up into the uneven footing of the rocky stream bed.

Water ripples against your bare ankles as you stand in it, and fire spreads behind you on the other side. Shit!! The two Dabis step closer and closer, taunting you to give up already.

It's hard enough to keep the shield of water up with just your dominant arm, but it's not enough to stop their approach. Even if I slip past these two, there's still that other guy...!

Forcing your broken arm to move, you blast the Dabis with icicles. They easily melt them, but you keep attacking as they approach. Just have to let them get close enough to the stream... Then I can get them Just gotta ignore the pain...!

They take another few steps, and you quickly engulf them in water from the stream. It washes their flames away, and you quickly freeze them in place.

Panting and clutching the side of your ribcage, you turn towards Twice. "That wasn't so tough... Now it's your turn...!"

"Think carefully before you do that." Dabi's voice comes from behind you, and you spin around to see him holding a flame directly to your face.

"What–?! But you were–!!" You look back at the two Dabi's encased in ice, and they sneer at you before dissolving into a dark goo.

Suddenly, an intense burning fills your hands, and you scream in pain. The real Dabi had grabbed your wrists, and burned away the layers of skin on your palms.

"Try using that annoying water quirk of yours now, Princess." He laughs.

"Damn you...!" You grit your teeth in pain and try to pull the water towards you, but it's too much. Instead, with his hand still holding your wrists behind your back, you quickly coat yourself in ice, and freeze the water around your feet.

"Knock it off, girl!" Dabi shoves his flame inches away from your face, and you have to shut your eyes from the heat. "Or I'll give you a pretty matching scar, just like the one your boyfriend has!"

Huh...? My boyfriend...? Wait, this guy was talking about Endeavor... Does he think I'm involved with Shoto, and that's why he's after me?

"What do you want from me?!" You ask. "Why are you so interested in Shoto and his father?!"

"Shoto, huh... You really are close to him, aren't you?" He lowers his gaze at you, and a sinister grin crosses his face. "This will do perfectly."

A hard crack rings out throughout the clearing, and you fall limp into Dabi's arms, unconscious.


"Y/n! Y/n!!" A voice pulls you from your dreams, and you wake up on the ground of the clearing.

Huh...? Eraser...? What's he...? Oh right... Aizawa...

"Y/n, can you get up?"

"What's going on... What happened...?" You mumble. "What happened to the villains...?"

"They've retreated for now. Your brother is back at camp with your aunt while the others and I are out finding everyone. You were the last student we couldn't find. Luckily, I found this on the ground." He holds up the bat band Engitech gave you.

"The villains retreated...?" You ask. "No... That's not right..."

Aizawa gives you a worried look as he looks kneels down next to you on the ground, struggling to sit up. "Why not?"

"No... This isn't right... Something's not right..." You mumble. Your head pounds, and your body is screaming in pain. "Where did they go...?"

"Where did who go?"

"Dabi... And..." Your eyes widen at the same time as Aizawa's as the two of you look down at your arm. Your bat band is there, sitting perfectly on your wrist.

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