Chapter 32: Drawing Lots

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"Before we go on to the final event, I've got good news for all of you out of the running!" Present Mic says as you and Shinsou step out onto the field. "Since this is still a sports festival, we've prepared some fun recreational activities for any and all participants! We even have some cheerleaders from America here to pump you up!!* Hope everyone enjoys the recreational competition! Once that's over, we're on to our final event. Between the sixteen members of the top four teams we'll have a formal tournament! The tournament will be comprised of a series of one-on-one battles!!"

Midnight holds up a box on stage. "The matchups will be decided by drawing lots. Once that's settled, we'll move on to the festivities, and then the tournament itself. It's up to each of you sixteen finalists whether or not you participate in the recreational activities. I expect many of you would rather relax and save your strength. Now, let's start with the team who took first place..."

"Um... Excuse me..." To your right, Ojiro speaks up. "I'd... like to drop out of the tournament."

Your classmates erupt with confusion. "What?! Why?! This is your chance to get noticed by the pros!!"

"I don't remember anything from the cavalry battle except for the very end... It's probably his quirk that did it..."

Beside you, Shinsou turns back to the front. "Wait, did you brainwash your team?" You ask.



"I didn't think anyone would want to partner up with a kid from general studies..." Shinsou explains.

"I don't know the guy from Class B, but Ojiro and Mina** are really nice, and probably would have teamed up with you if you asked them." You tell him.

Ojiro continues. "I know this is a great opportunity, and I know how stupid I must seem to just throw it all away... But for this final event... Everyone else worked hard to qualify, and they made it here with their own strength. Yet I'm standing with them, and I don't even know how or why. I just can't take it."

Hagakure speaks up from behind you. "You're thinking about it too hard! Just prove yourself in the tournament!"

"By that logic, I shouldn't really be here either..." Mina sighs.

"No... I'm talking about my pride, here... I don't think it's right for me to stand here with everyone." Ojiro explains with a pained look on his face.

The boy from Class B who was also on Shinsou's team speaks up. "I can't remember anything either... I want to withdraw, too. This is a contest testing our skills. Letting someone who didn't do anything advance... Doesn't it defeat the whole point of the festival? Isn't it rude to all of our peers who worked so hard to qualify?"

"These guys!! Are so manly!" Kirishima says.

"We have a strange turn of events, folks. What will the coordinator, Midnight, decide?" Mic asks.

"How naive and green... I... Like it!!!!!" Midnight cracks her whip and exclaims. "Shoda and Ojiro have officially withdrawn!!"

"Aw man, what do I do?" Mina asks.

"You don't have to withdraw if you don't want to..." Ojiro tells her.

"Hhh...! Fine! I'll stay, but I'll do my best for you guys!!"

"Replacing those two will be two members of Team Kendo, who took fifth place-"

"If it's going to be decided like that... Shouldn't it be them instead?" The girl who you assume to be Kendo says. She has long orange hair done up in a ponytail. She looks to her teammates who nod before continuing. "We were immobilized almost the entire time, but they were giving it their all until the very end. Team Tetsutetsu, I mean. Don't worry, we're not colluding or anything. This just feels right."

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