134: The Protector Becomes the Protected

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Over the next few days, you spend every moment you can using your move in progress. On top of that, your class has been training in Gym Gamma every morning. Physio with Recovery Girl is looking promising, and you're currently able to release about as much as you'd want for washing your hands under a faucet. Not a lot, but still better than none. Nightmares plague your dreams, and you find yourself waking up in terror throughout the nights. Whenever you do and can't fall back asleep, you text Shinso who always immediately calls you. Staying on call with him helps you feel safer, and you fall asleep without any further issues so long as he's on the line. During your waking moments, you force yourself to think only of improving your quirk. Shinso always meets up with you in the morning before your training when you've had nightmares to make sure you're okay, and to tell you not to push yourself too hard. You tell him you won't, but you spend every waking moment training your quirk to get the hang of your new moves.

“Y/n, you're really getting a handle on that now!” Midoriya smiles.

“Thanks, Midoriya!!” You turn to smile back at him. Aizawa had brought a target shooter in for you to practice with, and it's similar to a ball shooter. All you have to do is stop the targets from hitting you with your new move. “Ouch!!”

Aizawa sighs as one of the targets hits you in the side of your face. “Pay attention. Midoriya, don't distract her.”

“Sorry, Y/n!!” Midoriya panics. “Are you okay?”

You wave him off. “Oh yeah! I'm fine–” Another one hits you in the back of the head. “Oh, come on!!” Forgetting about Midoriya, you whip around at the machine. “Stupid thing–Ow!!!”

“I told you to pay attention.”

Rubbing your forehead with one hand and the back of your head with your other, you ready your quirk again. “I'm going to break that stupid thing...!”

A few minutes pass by, and you've successfully hit every target since. The gym doors open, and All Might walks in.

“How’s everyone coming along, Aizawa?”

“You're here again? They're doing fine.”

“Oh hey All Might!” You turn and wave. Aizawa frowns as you do, and a target comes hurtling towards the back of your head once more. This time though, you notice the sound and smash it with ice before it can hit you. “Ah! I did it! Aizawa, did you see?! I didn't even look at it!!” You cheer.

“I'm glad to see you're in good spirits, Young Y/n!”

“Just imagine how good you'd be if you stopped getting so distracted.” Aizawa frowns.

“Hey, I'm not distr–Ow!!! That's it!!” In a fit of annoyance, you shoot your water head forward, and knock the machine over.

“Don't go breaking it.” Aizawa glares. You sigh and jog over to the machine to turn it off and upright it.

As you do, a huge explosion sounds from above, and you turn to look up at Bakugou. The cement he had hit cracks, and you watch it fall in slow motion.

“Hey!!! Heads up!!” Bakugou shouts.

“All Might!!” You race over in a flash, but Midoriya is already there. He smashes through the block with ease, and you hurry to catch the larger debris with your new move so none of it hits your teacher.

“Woah!! Talk about cool, Midoriya!!” You exclaim.

“You okay, All Might?” Midoriya lands next to you crouching.

“Yeah, I am. Thanks, you two.” He beams.

You hold your hand out for Midoriya and help him stand up. Kaminari and Kirishima jog over. “Woah, Midoriya! Where'd that crazy firepower come from?”

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