Chapter 90: The True Culprits

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"Midoriya! Melissa!" You shout as you race up the stairs.

"Y/n! Are you okay?"

"Yes, are you?" You notice blood on Melissa's dress. "Melissa?!"

"It's fine! A bullet just grazed me. Deku saved me."

You sigh in relief and pat Midoriya on the back. "Glad to hear it. I took care of that other guy."

"Y/n, I meant to ask, where did those items come from?" Midoriya asks you.

"Todoroki and I ran into Firetamer's engineer. He's here somewhere for the Expo with her other sidekick who you met. He made them after... After you met Kai... For me." You say, trying not to slip up. Maybe one day it would become easier to lie about the events of Hosu. "I honestly forgot to take them off while I was getting ready, and I'm glad I did."

"They're excellently made! The material... Does the shield store kinetic energy and release it through the bat?" Melissa asks.

"I don't even know, but that would make sense based on how using them just went."

"Fascinating! I haven't been able to work with this material before since it's difficult to come by!"

"I was surprised by it, honestly. Now, where to next?"

Melissa cracks the stairwell door open. "The control room. Follow me, you two. It's in front of the central elevator."

You follow behind her and Midoriya to ensure no one sneaks up on you. You have to run carefully so your heels don't give you away, and wish you could toss them like Melissa did. Unless I want to lose the skin on the bottoms of my feet, I'll have to deal with them...

The two round a corner ahead of you and pause. They peer past, and Midoriya motions for you to be on guard.

"Papa?" Melissa says. You look past her and see a dirty blond man with glasses inside the control room.

"Right... Your dad's a big researcher, isn't he?" You say.

"What's he doing on the top floor?"

Midoriya narrows his eyes. "Did the villains bring him here to force him to do something?"

"We have to save him!"


"Wait, Midoriya, we don't know what's going on. You guys go ahead, but I'm going to wait out here just in case someone comes." You say. You can't get the sinking feeling out of your stomach that something horrible is about to happen.

"Right. Thank you, Y/n." Midoriya nods. He and Melissa sneak forward towards the room, and you scan the area. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

"Why can't I shake this feeling..." You mumble.

"What do you mean... Arranged?" Melissa's voice snaps you back to her and Midoriya. "Don't tell me... You're the one behind this incident? In order to get that device...? Is it true Papa?"

You listen in shock from the hallway as her father and another man, assumably his assistant, explain everything.

"Tell me it's a lie, Papa!"

"It's not."

"This doesn't make any sense! You would never do anything like this! So why? Why?!"

"It's for All Might. You two probably don't know, but his quirk is disappearing."

For the first time in a while, you think back to the conversation you had with All Might and Midoriya months ago. That's right... He must not know that All Might gave his quirk to Midoriya...!

You can't see Midoriya's face from where you're sitting, and you have to be careful not to let the two men spot you. But knowing Midoriya, he's feeling an immense amount of guilt right now.

"However, if he uses my device then his quirk can go back to normal. It can even give him more abilities than he started out with! The number one hero... the symbol of peace... He can get his light back again and save people once more!"

Is he really doing all of this for All Might? But All Might was captured in his muscular form... Who knows how much longer he'll be able to hold it... If he knows his quirk is going, wouldn't he know his form is too? Besides, All Might would never be okay with this plan, especially since everyone has had to risk their lives!

"Please. Please let me hand this device over to All Might. There's no time to remake it! After he gets it, I don't care what kind of punishment I receive. I've prepared myself–"

"They've risked their lives!!!" Melissa cuts her father off. "What do you think Uncle Might's students, Deku's classmates, went through to save the hostages?! Do you think he'll be happy to know his students could have died because of you, Papa?!"

Her father's face twists in genuine confusion. "What... What are you talking about? The villains are fake... It should have all been an act..." He turns to the man next to him. "Sam?"

A hand wraps around the back of your neck and lifts you into the air. You gasp as you struggle to free yourself, but it's hard enough to breathe, let alone tear the hand away. A tall, large, muscular man wearing a metal mask gives you an evil grin, and steps into the room. Damn it!! I got distracted!! I didn't even hear him! He's the guy who was in the hall with All Might!

"Of course it was all an act." He laughs as he walks in. Midoriya, Melissa, and her father look in horror as they see him carry you in.

"Y/n!!!!" Midoriya shouts. You weakly struggle to tear his hand away again, but can't. Midoriya's body lights up with power as he watches you struggle to stay conscious.

"An act pretending to be fake villains, that is. Don't even think about it, kid. You want me to kill this pretty little girl?"

Midoriya hesitates, and the man touches the metal door frame with his empty hand. Metal pipes shoot from the ground, and slam into Midoriya. They twist and wrap around him, locking him in place against a wall.

"Deku!!" Melissa shouts and rushes towards him.

With one last bit of strength, you grab the man's arm and freeze as quickly as you can. The ice quickly encases his arm, but you aren't fast enough.

"Oh, you're still awake?" He laughs. The man raises he fist and slams it directly into your face. Blood trickles down from your nose, and he tosses you on to the ground.

Metal begins to wrap around you, and the last thing you hear before your vision goes black is Midoriya screaming your name.

hi everyone <3 enjoy five chapters today since we jumped from 550k reads to 560k in just a week! ily guys 🥹❤️

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