Chapter 31: Where are you Scooby Doo?

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"Now where would Shinsou be...?" You wander down through the hallways trying to think of where to find your purple haired friend. He wasn't outside anywhere, so you had gone back into the maze of hallways. You left your phone back in the prep room which left you blindly searching for him. As you turned down a hall, you heard familiar voices up ahead.

"My father, Endeavor, could never beat All Might on his own. To fix that, he created me."

What the hell kind of conversation is this?

"What's this all about, Todoroki? Why are you telling me this??" You heard Midoriya ask.

"Quirk marriages. You have heard of them, right? They started becoming a problem in the second or third generation of quirk users I believe. Where people forced others to marry them in order to create children with more powerful quirks. With his wealth and fame, my father managed to convince my mother's family to agree to the marriage. All to get his hands on her quirk." What the hell did I just walk in on?! Do I have some sort of secret second quirk that brings me to conversations that I shouldn't be overhearing?!

"Raising me to be a hero that could surpass All Might, just to fill his own ambitions. I hate it. Being no more than a tool for that human garbage. When I was young, all I remember is my mother crying... 'I can't stand to see that left side of yours...' she said, before throwing scalding water in my face."

A chill runs down your spine and you shudder. And here I thought I had a traumatic backstory! Wait, why am I still listening to this conversation?!

"What I'm trying to tell you is that not using my left side against you is my revenge on him. Never using my father's rotten quirk... No... By rising to the top of the hero world without using it... I'll have denied him everything."

Not wanting to stick around any longer, you turn around and head towards the prep room. You had enough on your mind as it was, and you didn't need to get distracted by things you weren't supposed to know anyways. As you were turning around a corner, you bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry I wasn't watching..." You look up to find yourself face-to-face with none other than Endeavor.

"Tch, you should be more careful of who you bump into. Hm? You're from Class 1-A , correct?"

"Yes, sir." You say.

"Do you know where my son, Todoroki is?"

Remembering the conversation you just overheard, you decide to lie. "I think I overheard him say he was going out back behind the stadium to prepare for the battles earlier."

"Your quirk... What is it?"

Hearing this made you panic as all you could think about was the conversation about quirk marriages that you had just overheard. Trying to keep your cool, you say, "It's kind of similar to Todoroki's... I can generate water and change its state from gas to solid, but I mainly use ice. It's nowhere near as powerful as Todoroki's ice, though."

"I see." Without another word, Endeavor turned around and headed in the opposite direction of where Todoroki actually was. Hopefully Todoroki doesn't actually head back there...!

When he had gone around the corner you let out a breath of relief. Just being with him for a few moments scared the crap out of you. You couldn't imagine spending a lifetime with him.

Without any further interruptions, you managed to get back to the prep room. Your lunch was still waiting for you in your bag, and you quickly ate it. There wasn't much water left in the room, and you didn't have any messages from Shinsou, so you headed out with your giant water bottles to find some. They were 3L water bottles, so a few a day kept you in tip top shape. There was a water station not too far away from the room, so you headed there. Lunch would be over in less than twenty minutes, but there wasn't much for you to do.

As you waited for your water bottles to fill, you looked down at yourself. The part of your pants that you hacked away did not flatter you, especially with the boots. They went up to the middle of your shin, and left an odd gap between the top of your right boot and the bottom of your pants. Forgetting about style, you decide to cut the other pant leg to match. They were already damaged, so it didn't bother you too much. Now they would be balanced and less likely to annoy you.

Just as you finish with your pant leg, your water bottles finish filling up. You turned off the water and put the tops back on. There wasn't a garbage nearby, so you just shoved the piece of fabric into your pocket. After taking a long drink from one of your water bottles, you topped it off and headed back towards the prep room.

While walking down the hallways, you heard a voice from behind you. "Geez, Y/n, are you planning on throwing up on all of your opponents? Should I be worried?"

"Hitoshi! There you are!" You turn towards him. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you all lunch!"

"Sorry, I had to get away from the crowds. And I didn't want you to try embarrassing me again." He chuckles.

"Well, then I'm going to do it now! Hitoshi Shinso, congratulations on kicking some butt in the cavalry battle!!!" You set your water bottles down and give him a big hug.

"Thanks, Y/n." He smiles at you before jumping away from you.


"Oh, hey again Y/n!" Behind you was Awase.

"Oh, hi there Awase!"

"I see you made them a pair," he chuckles and gestures you the cuffs of your pants.

You laugh and nod. "They're ruined already, I figured they might as well match."

"This must be your friend you were looking for, right?"


"Nice to meet you, I'm Awase Yosetsu."

"Shinso Hitoshi."

"Congrats on getting into the final round, man. I gotta admit it kinda sucks losing, but hey you've obviously got skill."

"Thanks... Sorry about stealing all of your team's points like that..."

"Ah hey, the school does love to show off it's lax rules!" He laughs. "Well I'd better go find Tetsutetsu... I'll be rooting for you two!" He smiles.

"Thanks! I'll see you later!"

Once Awase walks away, Shinso sighs. "Man, that was awkward..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he had awkward look on his face when he saw you hugging me, and then with me tricking his team into giving me their points right at the end..."

"You heard him; I'm sure he isn't holding any bad feeling for you. Now come on, let's start heading to the arena. We've got some butts to kick!!"


I'm going back to school next week and I'm not ready lmao, but I have written enough chapters ahead so you'll continue to get weekly updates each Friday. Right now I have enough for until mid december I think so yeah

i wanted to say thank you so much for 92k reads guys!! I'm so glad so many people enjoy reading this and I enjoy reading all of your comments ♡♡ I hope you all have a great day and good luck to those of you going back to school, too!

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