Chapter 64: Racing Towards You

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"It's been a while everyone! I hope you all enjoyed your break from classes!" All Might says as Kirishima helps you sit down.

There is a stage on the top of the roof with a large screen set up, and everyone is gathered in front of it.

"Since you're all fresh from your internships and a few of you had a rather tough time, today's activity will be rather fun! A rescue training race!"

Iida raises his hand. "Wouldn't that be better done at USJ?"

"That place is specifically for disaster rescue, today is a bit different. We're having a race! Field Gamma is densely packed with factories that are so interwoven they create a mazelike network of alleys! You'll split into four teams of five for this, each team going one at a time. I'll send up a distress signal from somewhere inside, and you will have to race to see who can reach me first to rescue me! Naturally, keep the destruction of property to a minimum!" As he says the last part, All Might points directly at Bakugou who rolls his eyes and looks away.

Everyone is split into teams and All Might pauses before giving the go ahead. "Young Y/n, since you can't participate, how would you like to be our victim?"

You laugh and shrug. "Why not?"

"Perfect! Everyone in team one, get into your positions while I go get our victim into place!" All Might picks you up along with something else and takes you to the top of a water tower.

"Wow, there really are a lot of factories here... So what do I have to do?" You ask All Might.

"All you have to do is wait here and give this to whoever reaches you first!" All Might hands you a gaudy sash. "You can watch everyone using this mini screen, too! Just push this button when I say go, and they'll all come your way."

"That sounds pretty easy," you say.

"Before we begin, I heard what happened. You did good in Hosu. After class, there's a package waiting for you in the faculty office. It's from your internship agency."

"Really? But I thought they already sent everything..."

"Not sure! Get Young Midoriya to bring you; I need to speak to him about something after class anyways."

"I wonder what it is..."

"We'll have to wait and see! Now, I'm going to get the next area ready, when you hear me say go, hit that button!"

You nod, and All Might jumps off. Not too long after he leaves, you hear him begin the race. As instructed, you push the button. The screen splits into five views, and you watch Sero, Midoriya, Mina, Iida, and Ojiro begin racing towards you.

Sero easily swings through the air using his tape, and you chuckle at his surprise to Midoriya suddenly flying past him.

That's right... Midoriya had better control of his quirk when we were in Hosu... He must have found out how to control it to some extent during his internship... I wonder which of them will get here first...

Within a few minutes, you no longer need the screen to see everyone. Sero retakes the lead after Midoriya loses his footing, and quickly reaches you.

"Hey there, princess, heard you needed rescuing?"

You can't help but laugh at his comment and jokingly reply, "My knight! Thank you!"

He bows and steps off the railing towards you. You bow your head back to him and show him the sash. He raises an eyebrow at it, but makes a show of bowing once more to let you put it on.

Soon after, the others arrive, with Midoriya falling face first in front of you with a loud bang.

"Midoriya! Are you okay?!"

"I guess I'm still not used to it enough..." He rubs his head as he stands up.

Once everyone reaches you, All Might lands and congratulates them. "Excellent job, team! Everyone is showing vast improvements since I last saw you!"

You struggle to focus on what he's saying as Sero poses with his sash for the others and shows it off. Sero catches you holding back your laughter and shoots you another wide grin.

The race repeats a few more times, and soon everyone has gone. As All Might brings you back to the ground near the entrance, he assures you that you can try it once you're healed if you'd like to.

Afterwards, you follow everyone back to the locker rooms on the main campus. Injuries aside, your costume was ruined during the fight at Hosu. Repairs were going to be more trouble than they were worth, so Aizawa told you he'd put in an order for a new one. Rather than getting your typical uniform all dirty, you had worn your gym one like Iida.

Inside of the locker room, the girls gasp as you undo the front of your uniform. You look down at what caught their attention and see blood seeping through your bandages.

"Oh... I guess I reopened it..."

Momo scrambles over to you, spewing bandages out of her arms. "We need to change your bandages!"

With the top of your uniform undone to your waist, she helps you remove the bandages and Uraraka brings over a first aid kit that had been on the wall. Standing with your blood covered gash facing the wall, you hear a horrified shriek from the other side.

Mineta's voice can be heard loudly screaming about blood, and you quickly spot a hole in the wall directly in front of you.

"Mineta...! You pervert!!" You yell and send a blast of ice cold water through the hole. Immediately after your water, Jiro slams her headphone jack through the wall and it connects.

On the other side, the shrieks from Mineta continue followed by the sounds of slamming. They boys are yelling, but you can't make anything they're saying out.

"Disgusting!!" Mina shouts.

"How despicable! Let's close that hole right away!" Momo says as she grips the first aid box.

"Good idea!"

Tsuyu takes over helping you with your wound as Momo works on filling the hole so no one else can try looking through. The girls wait for you to finish getting yourself sorted and you all chat about plans for the rest of the day.

"Y/n, you're not staying alone in your apartment are you?" Uraraka asks.

"No, they have a room set up for me down by Recovery Girl's office so she can keep an eye on me. My aunt brought me here, but she had to go back home to my little brother."

"You two don't have a very good relationship, right? How'd he react to you getting hurt?" Tsuyu asks.

"From what my aunt said, they didn't want to stress him, but they were so worried he found out pretty quickly. He didn't really say anything, but I guess he wasn't eating or sleeping very much until they told him I woke up."

On one hand, you are happy to know he still cares about you, but on the other, you worry that you may have just proven all of his fears true.

I hope I didn't make things worse... I shouldn't have let myself get so hurt...


Oops I accidentally published chapter 65 instead of this one, if you got a notification for it just ignore it. I'll republish chapter 65 in a few days on Friday/Saturday, but enjoy!

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