Chapter 68: A Cranky Blond Lunch Interruption, But Not Who You Think It Is!

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Lunch time rolls around, and you find yourself sitting with a few of your classmates. Shinsou is a lot closer with his classmates after successfully getting into the battle portion of the Sports Festival, and sits with them a few days of the week. You don't want to stop him from making more friends, besides, you enjoy spending time with your classmates, too.

You had tried getting Shinsou to eat with your classmates, but he wasn't too fond of the idea. When you sat with his friends for one lunch, everyone seemed to be really awkward with you there, and Shinsou kept glaring at his buddies for nudging him and making faces. You failed to figure out why though. You assumed it was just because they were uncomfortable with you there, not that they had figured out a long time ago that Shinsou was crushing on you majorly and were teasing him about it. So, for now it was either you two eating together, or with your own classmates.

"The academic tests will just be based on our classes, which will be manageable, but the practical? That's scarier." Midoriya continues talking about the upcoming finals. "We have no idea how they'll go or what they're based on..."

"I can't imagine they will consist of anything very unusual." Iida says from beside him.

Across from you and on Iida's right side, Todoroki silently eats, and you join the conversation. "I hope the practical's not too difficult, I'm still not fully back in shape after everything that happened... I've been training and sparring with Kirishima to try to get my strength back up, but I'm worried there's not enough time..."

"It's probably just a comprehensive test based on everything from our first semester." Hagekure says on your right.

Next to her, Tsuyu adds, "That's all Aizawa told us, anyways."

"Let's see, battle training, rescue training... and basic training, right?"

Midoriya nods at Uraraka from across the table. "Y/n's right though, in addition to the usual studying, we have to make sure our bodies are in tip top—Ouch!!"

A tray slams into the back of his head before he can finish. "Oops, my tray couldn't get around that big head of yours." A familiar voice snickers. "I heard you ran into the Hero Killer, huh? You guys couldn't handle having the spot light off of you, huh? Just had to go and get more attention, huh? But it's not all that great is it, now that it's getting more dangerous, huhhh???"

"Monoma! Don't be so rude! Apologize to Midoriya!" You say.

"Oh! Y/n...! I didn't see you there..." Monoma looks a bit uncomfortable with you seeing him purposely hit Midoriya. "W-well, that's exactly what I mean! You guys went and dragged Y/n into your mess, but couldn't even protect her from getting so hurt? One of these days we're all going to get caught up in your antics like her!"

He was trying to be rude to the guys, not you, but he was also upset at how hurt you had gotten. Also, that he has found out through the grapevine after you were back on campus, not from you. He's a bit jealous that as one of your first friends at school, he knows so little about what's happening in your life. His worry about your safety mixed with the bitterness from finding out through hallway gossip is turning his emotions towards 1A uglier than usual.

"Knock it off!! Just because you were worried about Y/n, doesn't mean you get to be a dick to everyone!" Kendo strikes the edge of her hand into the crook of Monoma's neck and he crumples to the floor. "Didn't you hear about Iida, and how Todoroki took knives through the arm for her?"

Monoma mutters something and Kendo sighs.

"Thanks, Kendo..." Midoriya says, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Sorry about this guy... His heart's in the right place. He was worried sick about Y/n when he heard what happened and ended up blaming you guys instead. Don't listen to him; he doesn't actually mean it."

"I forgot to give him my new number when I got my phone replaced... I feel bad for not letting him know I was okay..."

"Don't stress too much about it, Y/n. He's just an idiot who doesn't know how to express his emotions properly." After saying that, Todoroki, who had been silently eating as everything happened, pauses and frowns. "Anyways, I overheard you guys talking about the practical exams."

"Yeah, it's hard to know what to expect..." Uraraka says.

"Between you and me, I hear it'll be a battle against robots, just like in the entrance exam!"

Midoriya goes from staring shocked at Monoma on the ground to staring shocked at Kendo. "How'd you find that out?!"

"I have a friend who's an upper year. It's a little unfair, I know. That's why I wanted to tell you!"

"That's not unfair at all! Intel gathering is just one aspect of the exam... Of course...! Why not just ask the second or third years?? Why didn't I think of that???" Midoriya begins one of his classic Midoriya-mumbles and you can't help but chuckle at him.

Kendo looks surprised by it, and you thank her for sharing with you guys.

From the ground, Monoma weakly groans at Kendo. "Why did you tell them that, you fool? We finally had an advantage over them, and you ruined it! We finally had a chance to show up the detestable class 1A and you spoiled it...!"

"They're not detestable. Besides, you seem to be really into-"

Monoma leaps from the ground and shushes Kendo. "That's enough!!"

She rolls her eyes at him and knocks him in the head again. "Don't get in my face."

You all stare as Kendo waves at you and then drags Monoma away from your table, holding the back of his shirt like he's a light briefcase.

"Remind me not to get on her bad side." Hagekure jokes.

A few of you join in laughing, and continue to eat your lunch in peace.

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