Chapter 43: Twinning

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After Recovery Girl healed part of your arm, she told you to rest in one of the beds. Not too long after you fell asleep, a knock at the door woke you up.

"What is it?" Recovery Girl asked.

She opened the door to reveal Todoroki looking beat up.

"What is it with you first years?! Are you trying to kill each other?!"

"Ah, Todoroki! How was the match?"

Todoroki has a sad expression on his face when he turns to you.

"I lost."

"I'm sorry to hear that... Are you alright?"

"Yes... Just thinking about something Midoriya said to me earlier... I was distracted during the fight because of it."

"Come over here and sit down. Did you break anything?" Recovery Girl brings Todoroki to the bed beside you.

"No. Midnight told me to come see you because I got knocked out for a few seconds at the end."

"Did Bakugou blast you into some ice, too?"

He nods and you chuckle.

"Head injuries aren't funny, young lady!"

"Sorry Recovery Girl! We just already have similar quirks, and we both lost in the same way to the same person." You chuckle.

"Jeez, you kids are going to make my hair fall out from stress." Recovery Girl heals Todoroki and grabs two chocolate bars from her desk.

"Here, eat these. Congratulations on placing in the top three, you two."

"Shouto!" The door slams open to reveal Endeavor.

In your surprise, you drop your unopened chocolate bar on the ground. Todoroki stands up, ignores his father, and retrieves it for you.

"Todoroki! What do you think you're doing bursting into my office like this! I have a student trying to rest in here!"

"Tch, I came to speak to my son."

"I'm healing him right now. Leave him be."

"He's my son. I will speak to him when I wish to."

"Really! You haven't changed a bit since you were a student! Always so sure of yourself!"

Endeavor ignores Recovery Girl and heads towards your bedside where Todoroki stood.

"You're that girl from earlier."

"What?" Todoroki looks at you in confusion.

"I ran into her during lunch and asked her where you were since you were avoiding me."

Todoroki continues to look away from his father.

Endeavor begins to speak again, but Recovery Girl cuts him off.

"Speaking of Y/n, she'll need a ride home. Since you were so eager to interrupt her rest, it's the least you could do."

Endeavor seems to think for a moment before answering. "Fine."

"Good. I'll heal the rest of her arm after the awards ceremony, so send your son to bring her to the car."

"Y-you don't have to!"

"Nonsense! It's been decided. Where do you live?"

You give Endeavor the address, and Recovery Girl swiftly kicks him out.

"I overheard your conversation with Midoriya earlier..." You say to Todoroki. Recovery Girl had gone to get water for you, so it was just the two of you.

"The one at lunch?"

You nod. "I knew I shouldn't have listened in, so I left, but ran into your dad right after. And after hearing what you said about him... Well when he asked I couldn't tell him where you were... So I lied and said you were in the opposite direction. I was scared you'd end up heading there anyways and run into him."

Todoroki is silent for a minute. "Thank you, Y/n. I appreciate it. I'm sorry you had to deal with my father."

"Don't worry about it. Are you okay living with him, though? Can't you move out and live with an older sibling or family member?"

Todoroki shakes his head. "My father would never let me move in with another relative."

You frown. "I'm sorry..."

"Thank you, but it's alright."

"It's not alright!" Todoroki seems taken aback by your sudden outburst. "Don't say it's alright because it's not! How he treats you... That's not okay. You deserve so much better, Todoroki."

"Thank you, Y/n." Todoroki gives you a soft smile.

"Now, come sit down and eat your chocolate with me," you smile. You scoot over and pat the spot next to you on the bed.

Todoroki gives you an awkward look.

"Come on!"

He smiles at you once more and gives in. He sits down to your right and picks up his chocolate bar.

"You know, my father was never a fan of having junk food."

"Don't tell me you've never had a chocolate bar before!"

Todoroki chuckles. It was the first time you had ever heard the boy laugh, and it was music to your ears.

"I've had chocolate bars before. My brother brings them home and leaves the wrappers out just to annoy my father."

You laugh and open up your chocolate. "Then cheers! To chocolate and getting our butts kicked by Bakugou!"

Todoroki smiles and gently taps his chocolate against yours.

The two of you enjoy the silence together as you eat, and a few minutes after you finish, Recovery Girl enters.

"You two look better already. I always say, chocolate is a wonderful healer."

You smile at Recovery Girl as she hands you a water bottle. You chug it in seconds.

"Don't make yourself throw up!"

"Sorry! I used a lot more water than usual. I don't want to get dehydrated." You chuckle.

"Well the awards ceremony is going to start soon, so you'd better head out. There's a student out in the hall waiting to bring you to where you need to be."

"Thank you, Recovery Girl!"

"Thank you."

"Don't you two go getting hurt anytime soon! I don't want to see you in my office for a while!"

"We'll try!" You laugh as you exit the room.

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