127: Therapeutic Talks

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“What?!” Everyone erupts in concern, and Aizawa has to shush them. “Let her speak.”

“I woke up in a room with Dabi, the guy with the blue flames. The last thing I remember prior to that was fighting him and Twice after separating from Midoriya and my brother. I guess at some point between him knocking me out and them leaving with Bakugou, they had cloned me and already brought me back.” You explain. “He tried getting information out of me about the school, but I wasn’t a planned abduction, just ‘a gift that fell into his arms,’ as he put it. So, he didn’t really have anything specific he wanted to know from me.”

“I can’t believe that you were really getting tortured while we were all safe... Even Bakugou wasn’t hurt when they kidnapped him...” Kirishima clenches his fist and stares at the ground. “That's the same villain who attacked us in the classroom...!”

“Is that what those freaks were talking about...?” Bakugou mutters. “I should have blown his ugly mug right off...!”

“I’m just glad he didn’t get to show you the photos...” You sigh.

“Photos...?” Everyone looks back at you.

“Yeah, he took one right as my clone was getting to the hospital actually. He said it was an incentive for you to ‘think rationally’ when they woke you up, Bakugou...”


“Those guys... They’re seriously evil!” Kirishima shouts.

“Funny thing is though, since you guys brought up the news with my clone...” You say. “I actually watched that as it aired. I had just finished telling Dabi that he and the League were a bunch of idiots if they really thought Bakugou would join them, and then he saw I was on the news and showed me the live feed. Then my clone said almost the exact same thing I had just said.”

“Woah... Creepy!” Mina says. “How’d you escape?”

“They left me with a clone of Dabi when it was time to wake Bakugou up. There was a small earthquake, and they had given me some water in a metal bottle earlier that still had a few drops in it. I managed to lift it and whack him a few times and beat him.”

“Didn’t they have you restrained?” Tsuyu asks.

“Oh yeah, if it weren’t for Hawks, I’d probably still be in that room! He managed to be passing by at the right time and noticed something was up. I might have beat the clone, but I couldn’t make a dent in the restraints. Thankfully, he got me out of there and to a doctor. After that, we met Aizawa and my aunt at the hospital everyone else was at.”

“So that’s why he was the one to drop you off...” Tokoyami says.

“Since we’re still not sure if Y/n and Bakugou are still targets or not, she was escorted to campus.” Aizawa explains. “The two of you have to be extra careful when in public. The same goes for you, too, Tokoyami. We don’t know where they are currently or what their next moves will be.”

Todoroki, who had been quiet up until this point, speaks up as he looks between the handprint on your arm and the mitts on your hands. “Did he burn your hands as well, Y/n?”

“No way... Is that why they’re covered up...?” Midoriya asks, and you nod.

“It looks like I’m going to have to change the way I use my quirk... The doctors and Recovery Girl helped a lot and got my feet healed up, but... They’re not sure if I’ll ever be able to generate water to the same extent as I could before... I’m going to be doing quirk physio once my hands are healed up, and then we’ll have to go from there.” You see the worried and saddened looks on the faces of your classmates. “Don’t worry! I can still use my quirk!” You quickly demonstrate by twirling water out of the air. “I can generate it from other parts of my body, too, still. I just may not be able to generate it on my palms and soles anymore... But I don’t know that for sure until I go through physio! So quit looking so sad for me!”

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