151: Professional Hitoshi Embarrasser

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After a bit more teasing from the girls on your way home, you end up passing out on Momo’s shoulder for the rest of the bus ride. The sun was already starting to go down when you left, and it's almost dark by the time you arrive back on campus.

“Y/n, wake up.” Momo gently shakes you. “We're back.” With a yawn, you open your eyes. “Good morning, Y/n.” Momo chuckles.

“As I was saying, the second term starts tomorrow. Good job for the most part out there today. Remember where you lost marks, and make sure to remedy them. Get some rest.” Aizawa waves goodnight, and steps off of the bus to walk back to the faculty dorm.

You gather your things and follow your classmates out of the bus when you realize you never updated Shinso on how your exam went. “I'll be back in a bit!!” You wave and run off towards the 1C building without waiting for a reply. Your classmates call after you to ask where you're going, but they quickly figure it out.

Reaching their door, you knock excitedly. After a minute, a boy answers it. “Uh, hello? Oh.” He spots you and turns to look at someone farther away. “Yo, Shinso! It's for you! It's your girlfr–”

Shinso quickly appears and shoves the boy out of the way, stepping outside with you and slamming the door behind him. “...Hey.” His face is red, and he's slightly out of breath.

“Haha, what was that all about??” You laugh.

“Nothing, nothing...” He spots the costume case in your hands and notices your uniform still on. “Did you guys just get back?”

“Yep!! I fell asleep on the bus, so I couldn't text you... But guess what I got!!” You cheer, dropping your case and showing him your provisional license. You're so excited to show it to him that you can't sit still and bounce on your toes.

Shinso smiles. “I can't see it with you jumping around like that. Here,” Shinso takes your license from you and looks at it. “Hah, I can tell they took the photo afterwards. Just look at that giant goofy grin.”

“Isn't it awesome?!” You jump. “I'm so excited, I don't think I can sleep tonight!”

“We've got orientation in the morning, so you'd better. Don't want to be falling over during one of the principal's tangents.” He chuckles. “You'll have to tell me all about your exam after classes tomorrow. I had no doubts that you'd pass.”

“Oh, oh!! Look at this!” You open up your case and remove your scoring sheet from inside. “I got the highest mark in my class!!”

“Shit, a 96? Great job! I'm not surprised though, you kicked some serious ass in the entrance exam, too, not to mention almost placing first in the race for the sports festival. And then you made third in the tournament.”

You beam as he mentions your other accomplishments. “Thank you!!!” Jumping at Shinso, you wrap your arms around him in a tight hug. Out of the corner of his eye, Shinso spots his classmates making kissy faces at him through the open window, and he glares back at them. They snicker and continue, much to his embarrassment.

“Y/n!” A voice calls. You and Shinso both turn to see Aizawa in front of the building. “I thought I told you to go get some rest. Leave Shinso alone, and go call your aunt. She won't stop messaging me asking why she hasn't heard from you yet. It’s getting on my nerves.”

“Crap! Sorry, sir! I’ll call her in a second!” You lean down to pick up your suitcase, and Shinso hands you your sheet back.

“Hey, Eraser.” Shinso waves. You raise an eyebrow at their casual attitude towards each other, but chalk it up to them packing your apartment up together. “You’d better go. I’ll see you in the morning during orientation.”

You give Shinso another hug, this time a quick one, and wave goodnight. “See you in the morning, Toshi!!”

“Get some sleep, Y/n.” He smiles.

As you walk away with Aizawa, one of Shinso’s classmates teases him through the open window. “Oh, Toshi!!” The boy jokingly grabs one of the other guys and wraps his arms around his neck in a hug, exaggeratedly batting his eyelashes at the other.

“Get some rest, my dearest sweetheart!!” The other boy poses like he’s trying to imitate Shinso, but as a cringey-supposed-to-be-cool male lead of a romance anime and hugs the other boy back, gently caressing his face. His other classmates cackle, and Shinso’s face flushes bright red.

“Shut up!!!” He slams the door open, and they scatter, laughing their hearts out at him.

Meanwhile, you follow Aizawa back to your dorm. “Call your aunt, get something to eat, and go to sleep. I don’t want anyone being late for the ceremony tomorrow, understood? That means go to bed. No more distractions tonight. I have a lot of paperwork to do, and I don’t want any more interruptions.”

“Yes, sir!” You say. He waves goodnight to you, and continues back towards the faculty dorm.

Once you’re inside, you grab a snack from the kitchen and head up to your room. You video call your aunt on your way upstairs, and she and Kota answer the phone together. Seeing Kota there makes you even more excited, and you proudly show off your new license and score. The rest of the Pussycats come into frame, and you tell them all about the exam, minus the flirting from Shindo. They enjoy your call, and before you know it, over an hour has passed. Realizing the time, you say goodnight and end the call. Your stomach rumbles, and you quickly get changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt to go raid the kitchen.

When you get into the kitchen, you spot Midoriya sneaking out the front door. “That’s weird...” Grabbing a container of rice from the fridge, you peer out the window. He seems to be following Bakugou somewhere. “Wonder where they’re off to...” The two boys continue walking away, and you throw the rice into the microwave. As it warms up, you remember what Aizawa said to you. With a sigh, you remove it and look out the front window again. The boys are almost out of sight and still walking. “I'd better go see what they're up to... Knowing the two of them, I can't imagine they're going so far away to talk...”

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