Chapter 44: Ft. An Angry Blond

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Outside of Recovery Girl's office, a boy you didn't know was waiting. He led the two of you to an area underneath the arena.

Waiting there were Aizawa and Cementoss.

"Good you two are here- Bakugou! Sit still!" Aizawa says.

Behind him, Bakugou was chained to a post.

"What the f-"

"I'm gonna kill you, you icy hot freak!!" Bakugou yelled.

"Bakugou!" You say. "Just what happened while I was out?!"

"I didn't use my fire on him."

"Oh..." Thinking back on his conversation with Midoriya earlier, it made sense. It also made sense why Bakugou was so mad.

"Bakugou!! Can't you behave for a few minutes?!" Aizawa yells.

Cementoss stands awkwardly to the side as Aizawa struggles to put a mouth guard on the explosive boy.

"Just stand over here on the corresponding spot, please."

You do as he says and stand on the third place spot next to Bakugou.

Aizawa manages to get the guard on and sighs as he watches Bakugou rage.

"Don't you think you're overdoing it a little, Bakugou?" You ask.

He seems to calm down for a moment as he looks at you. Before he can stay calm, however, Todoroki speaks.

"Y/n, do you want me to wait in the office while Recovery Girl heals you, or should I just wait until after to help you to the car?"

As you go to respond, Bakugou explodes with jealously added to his anger.

"Woah! Bakugou! And I'm good with either Todoroki. Thank you for helping me out."

He nods and Aizawa clears his throat. "Alright, it's almost time to send you guys up. When Mic gives us the signal, Cementoss will lift you up into full view of the crowds, cameras, and reporters. So Bakugou, try to behave yourself."

Bakugou ignores Aizawa as he continues to try to break free.

Aizawa sighs again. "I don't get paid enough for this."

"It's time." Cementoss says. The ceiling above you opens and the three of you are raised on to the field. There was some sort of fog, so it took a moment to see what was going on when you stopped moving.

"And here are our finalists!! In third place, Izumi Y/n! In second, Todoroki Shoto! And in first place, the ever raging Bakugou Katsuki!!"

You awkwardly look at the furious boy next to you, and find yourself wishing Cementoss could sink you back underground.

"Now for the medals! Presenting them this year is you know who!!!"

Everyone looks up on top of the stadium as All Might can be heard laughing.

"Everyone's favourite hero,"

"I am here!!"

"All Might!!!"

"To present the medals!!"

The two teachers interrupt each other as All Might jumps into the stadium in front of you.

Midnight apologizes as All Might stands and walks over.

He takes a bronze medal from Midnight, and steps up towards you. "Congratulations, young Y/n! You put up quite the impressive fight today!"

You thank him and bow your head. As he places the medal around your neck, he continues.

"However, you most work on your physical strength as well as your quirk. There will be many times in the future where your body's strength may save you when your quirk fails to."

"Right. I'll train harder!" You smile.

"Don't push yourself too hard, though!"

All Might steps down and heads over to Todoroki. As he talks to him, you can't help but admire your medal. Sure it wasn't the place you wanted, but it still felt pretty damn good, especially after talking with Shinsou.

Beside you, All Might steps up towards Bakugou.

"Now, Bakugou, isn't this a bit extreme?" All Might reaches for the clasp of the mouth guard that Aizawa had worked so hard to close.

"I wouldn't-" You begin to say, but it was too late. All Might drops the mask to the ground, exposing Bakugou's scary expression to the world.

"It's wonderful that you managed to win! I know this was important to you!"

"All Might...! This win doesn't mean squat. If I don't recognize it, this medal is garbage. I don't want it."

"Well... In a world that's constantly changing it's hard for many to stay on top. So accept this medal! Even if you consider it a wound! So you never forget!"

"I told you, I don't want that piece of junk!!!" All Might leaves the medal hanging from Bakugou's mouth after struggling too much.

"Well, these are your winners!!" The crowd thunders with applause and cheering as All Might speaks. "But hold on everyone! Everyone here today has the potential to be up here! You saw it yourselves!! Competition, encouragement, teamwork, and pushing each other to reach for the stars!! The sprouts of today will certainly grow into the strongest of heroes tomorrow!!! In the spirit of things, let's have one final cheer! Everyone say it with me! One, two, and-"

"Plus Ultraaaa!!!"

"Thank you for all of your hard work!!!"

You laugh as the crowd and All Might say two completely different things.

In the next few minutes, the photographers for the school take your photos, and the press try to get in on the action.

After ten minutes of smiling, you start to feel your face muscles ache and you long to be lowered into the ground. Cementoss must have read your mind, because a moment later he does just that.

"Finally!" You slump to the ground as the ceiling closes above you. Bakugou was still freaking out, and Aizawa sighed as he looked at him.

"Todoroki, Y/n, Recovery Girl spoke to me. Don't worry about meeting back at the class. You have the next two days off for the sports festival, so rest during your break. The internship requests will be processed during your break and be ready for you when you get back."

"See you when we get back!" You wave to the two teachers with your non-casted right arm. "And Bakugou, I hope you feel better later!"

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