Chapter 74: Ketchup, Mustard, Pepper, and a Whole Lot of Salt

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"We're finally here!" Hagekure exclaims. "This place has way more shops than anywhere else in the prefecture! It's got the trendiest and coolest stuff!"

"Ahh, I love the mall!!" Mina cheers. "Kiyashi Ward shopping mall, here we are!"

You and Uraraka laugh at their enthusiasm.

"Are you excited, Ochako?" You ask.

"I need to be careful how much I spend..." She sighs.

"My aunt sent me some money to buy things! Let me know if you need any help!" You smile.

"You're too sweet, Y/n!"

"Hey, buy me something, too!" Kaminari pokes your shoulder.

"Me too!" Mina joins in.

"No way! You two were making fun of me yesterday! My sweet Ochako didn't even laugh once!"

"That's because she was too busy being grossed out." Sero teases you.

"Ha ha... Piss Girl..." Mineta tries to join in on the teasing, but it just comes across as extremely creepy.

Everyone who had been smiling or laughing immediately sports a classic Todoroki expression.

"Nope, joke is ruined now." Sero says.

"But I didn't-"

"Yeah, it's ruined." Kaminari says.

You didn't know whether to be thankful towards Mineta for ruining the joke, or ready to get a restraining order.

Before you can decide, staff at various shops try getting the attention of your large group. "You two with the six arms and the swollen calves! You'll find everything you need here!"

"Stores have to do more than simply cater to different body sizes, but also differences caused by quirks... They also need designs that will appeal to different ages, from teens to seniors, not to mention kids... No wonder this place is so busy and has so many customers..." Midoriya begins rambling to himself and you can feel uncomfortable looks on your group. Parents begin shuffling their children away from him.

Tokoyami taps Midoriya's shoulder. "Stop that. You're scaring the children."

You laugh a little, but before you can say anything, someone grabs your arm.

"Hey!! Aren't you guys the UA first years?! You were the one with the ice and water, right?"

"Hey you're right! Wow, she's even prettier in person! Can I get your number?"

"Huh?! Mine??" You ask and point to yourself.

Sero takes the guy's hand off of your arm and slings his arm around your shoulder, waving his finger at the guys in front of you.

"It's rude to ask a lady that without even introducing yourself, you know."

"Oh, sorry!"

Kaminari steps up on your other side. "Besides, our Y/n is a very busy lady!"

"...Aren't you two the ones who got obliterated in the sports festival?"


"Hey that's not very nice...!" You say. "I'm flattered and appreciate the interest, but you don't even know me."

"I guess that's true..." One of the guys says.

"It takes guts to put your feelings out there, but a real man gets to know a girl first!" Kirishima steps in. "Just cuz Y/n's crazy pretty and strong doesn't mean she doesn't have other redeeming qualities!"

'Nevermind, there's way too much competition, we don't stand a chance against these guys...!' The strangers think to themselves.

"Right, our bad...!" They turn and wave as they shuffle into the crowd.

A few more people congratulate your class for your hard work at the festival before finally leaving you alone.

"You think I'm pretty, Kirishima?"

His face matches his hair as you ask him.

"W-well! I mean- They were the ones who-"

You laugh. "I'm just teasing you! Thank you, and you two as well for the help there." You smile at the other two boys.

"No problem, Y/n." Sero says.

"Yeah, besides, those guys weren't nearly good enough for you!" Kaminari says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You laugh.

"You should be with a guy who can protect you and fight by your side!"

"What, like you?" Sero laughs.

"Like you're any better!"

"Y/n needs the least protection out of us four!" Kirishima says.

"That's for sure..." Kaminari and Sero agree.

"Anyways, why do you still have your arm around her?!" Kirishima asks.

You laugh at the three of them.

"She never told me to move it," Sero replies.

"Well I am!" Kaminari huffs and tries smacking his arm off of you.

Sero spins the two of you around to avoid it and laughs. "Only if she wants me to!" He stops moving and leans in towards your face. With his other hand, he pushes his bangs back and blocks the sun from hitting his eyes. "You don't mind, do you, Y/n?"

Your face begins to heat up and as you struggle to come up with an answer, Iida calls your group.

"Hurry up! No idling! This area is famous for pickpockets!"

Before anyone else can say anything, you sneak out from Sero's arm and run a few steps towards the rest of your class, who had made it pretty far ahead.

"W-we better hurry!" You turn back towards the rest of the class to catch up with them.

Behind you and out of your sight and hearing, Kaminari jabs Sero in the gut, causing him to double over.

"Flirt!" He angrily whispers at him.

"Hey, she was totally into it!" Sero laughs as he stands back up. "You see her blushing?"

Kaminari smacks him again, sending Sero into a coughing-laughing fit.

Kirishima rolls his eyes at the pair and knocks them both on the head. "We're going to be left behind, and then what use is it?"

The three hurry up just in time to catch everyone beginning to split off.

"There you are! What took you so long?" Iida asks.

"Sorry, sorry!" Kirishima says.

"Momo and I are going to go look for duffel bags." Jiro says, and the pair head off.

"I need a sleeping bag..." You say.

"You can share mi-" Before Mineta can even finish his sentence, Kirishima and Kaminari slam their fists into his head.

"I found a really good brand when I was looking online, Y/n!" Kaminari says.

"Really? You need a swimsuit, right? I can show you the store I always go to then!" You say.

"I need one, too." Kirishima and Sero say in harmony.

Kaminari gives them a nasty look and mouths the word copycats at them.

"Actually, I haven't had any luck finding one this year," Ojiro says. "Can I tag along too?"

"Of course! It's actually not too far away from here! We can head there first." You tell the boys.

Kaminari grumbles to himself as his plans of one on one time with you get ruined so gloriously.

"Lead the way!"

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