Chapter 23: A Declaration of War

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You hear a familiar voice come from the crowd. "It's true. We came to get a good look at all of you kids in the heroics department, but you sure are modest. Are the rest of you like him?" Hitoshi!

Midoriya and Iida say no a bunch of times and Bakugou grunts in response.

"Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering. Those of us who didn't make the heroics course are stuck in general studies and other tracks. There are quite a few of us, did you know that? Depending on the results of the sports festival they might consider transferring us to the hero course. I understand the reverse is also true." I should probably get up and tell him Bakugou is a one of a kind... "For a general studies kid like me... This is the perfect opportunity to knock you off your pedestals. Consider this a declaration of war." Definitely should have gotten up!

"Hey!" Tetsutetsu's voice calls from the hallway. Not him, too...! "I'm from class 1-B next door! We heard you fought some real villains so I wanted to come check you out, but all I'm seeing is this arrogant bastard! You better not make fools of the hero course at this thing!!" I really should have gotten up sooner.

You sit up from your desk, fix your hair quickly, and make your way over to the front. As you get there, Bakugou starts to shove through the crowd.

"Bakugou! Quit being so rude to everyone!" You scold him.

"Wait you jerk! Where are you going?! Thanks to you we have a whole mob of haters!!" Kirishima says.

"I don't give a shit."


"I'm headed for the top. Why should I care?"

"Tch...! So straight forward and manly."

"The top... he's not wrong."

"Well said..."

Kirishima, Tokoyami, and Sato all seem to be on Bakugou's side after his comment. You and Kaminari however...

"Don't let him play you for idiots! All he's doing is winning us enemies!!"

"He's making us all seem like we're all rude and full of ourselves!" You say.

"Hey. I'm not being rude. Just honest." You just called them lame side characters...!

"How's that any different?!" Kaminari asks.

"Tch, whatever. I'm headed home. I've got a sports festival to crush." Bakugou shrugs and the crowd parts away from him as he leaves.

"I swear we're actually nice people!!" Kaminari exclaims to the crowd.

Someone responds with "Nice people don't claim to be nice, jackass."

"Hey! You're the one being rude now! Just because one of us has an attitude, doesn't mean we're all bad people! We're training to be heroes, man! Do you really think we'd all be rude if we're in this course?!" You reply. Mumbles fill the group and some of the students begin to look uncomfortable. "Now you had your look, now leave us alone so we can go home!"

"Yeah! You tell 'em Y/n!" Kaminari says.

You huff and grab your bag while the crowd disperses. When you get back to the door, most of the crowd had gone, but you could see Shinsou waiting down the hall a bit.

You say your goodbyes to your classmates and make your way through the remaining students towards Shinsou.

"You know, not all of them are rude." You say as you reach him. The two of you begin heading out. 

"Sorry... I might have gotten a little carried away..."

"All of them, including him, are honest hero wannabes. You know, Bakugou saved my life at USJ."


"Yeah. They had this warp villain, and Midoriya⁠—that green haired kid⁠—and I were running to help All Might when he attacked us. He could have easily cut us both in half, but Bakugou jumped out of nowhere and took him down." You explain.

"Yeah I guess that sounds pretty heroic of him..." Well, maybe not what he said right after, but we'll omit that part...

"My point is, they're all pretty strong and serious about being heroes." Shinsou's eyes shift towards the floor, and he clenches his fists.

"And I'm not?"

"I wasn't done. If you want to beat them in the sports festival, we're going to have to train hard these next two weeks."


"Oh come on, you seriously don't think I wouldn't help my best friend train to get into his dream course, do you?"

"Are you sure?" He stops walking and looks towards you. "Don't you have to train?"

"Yeah. We can train together. While we may not be able to train our quirks together, we can train physically. I can teach you some moves I learned from the Pussycats and from here at school."

"Thanks, Y/n... That really means a lot to me."

"Of course Hitoshi! That's what I'm here for! Just maybe don't declare war on any more people, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Over the next two weeks, the two of you met up after school to train almost every day. You practised hand to hand combat with Shinsou at the gym, and while he wasn't the best at first, your help had well, helped him quite a bit. He still had a ways to go, but could definitely beat a few of the kids in your class if quirks weren't included. When you weren't training with Shinsou, you were honing your quirk. You weren't sure how useful steam was going to be for the festival, but figured you may need to make a smoke screen of sorts. It was messy, but you had managed to make it enough to throw someone off.

Controlling the temperature of water was something you still struggled with a bit, but just moving it around was fairly easy. Most of your practice involved getting into the air with your quirk.

It was a complicated process. Fire powers make it much easier to stay up in the air than water. It also used up less energy. The trick you found worked the best was to launch yourself into the air with the ice, and then to stay in the air with water. Balancing on two jets of water while in the air is really tricky though, so you could only manage for a few seconds at a time.

After two weeks of intense training, the day finally came. The sports festival was here, and you were ready to make yourself known to the world.

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