157: Spreading Your Wings

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This time, Hawks beats you to your meeting point. “Good! You ready to go get some lunch?” He asks. He's wearing a black leather jacket and jeans with a white t-shirt.

“Yes! I'm starving!”

“Good! Let's head out then!” Hawks scoops you up and jumps off of the roof. His wings extend, and you quickly rise back up, much to your relief. “It's not too far away; I already called to let them know we're heading over! They've got a great rooftop patio. We can cook the food on a grill ourselves.”

“That sounds like fun! The weather is perfect for it!” You smile. Everyone in the city looks so small from high up in the air. Hawks catches your gaze.

“They look like ants, don't they? It's fun being so high up in the sky. It's freeing, don't you think?”

“Yeah... It sure is. I wish I could fly...”

“I can teach you!”

You can't help but laugh at Hawks' earnest offer. “I don't exactly have wings. I'm not sure how that would work.”

“Who said you need wings to fly?” He asks. “With your quirk, we should have you airborne in no time.”

“Huh?? How??” You ask.

“Well, remember what you did when you were captured with the water bottle? You held it up in the air and moved it around with only a few drops of water supporting it. That's a decent amount of weight held by such a tiny bit of water. Have you ever gone skateboarding or snowboarding?”

“Actually, yeah. I used to all the time.”

“Perfect! Then we're already halfway there! When we get back to my agency we'll test it out, but if you could hold the bottle up with so little water, I'm sure you can hold yourself up with some ice!”

“Huh... I never thought of that...” You say.

“It's exactly like how I hold things with my feathers. It takes some getting used to at first, but you'll get the hang of it. You'll see. I know you can do it!” He grins.

A wonderful smell hits your nose, and you look down. “Is that where we're eating?” Below you is a rooftop patio with several grills. It looks like it's been recently cleared and closed.

“Yup!! I had them close the rooftop, so we don't get swarmed by my fans. It's hard to eat with a bunch of eyes staring at you when you're new to popularity.”

“Oh! Thank you!” You smile and the two of you land. The staff are quick to take your orders, and the food is delicious. Hawks lets you order as much as you like, and you take full advantage of it. By the time you're leaving, you're ready for a nap.

When you get back to his agency, Hawks brings you to another training room. “So, I want to see you create a foothold for yourself and maneuver it around the air in here.” He gestures. The ceiling on this floor is nice and high, so there's plenty of space to move around in the air.

Nodding, you create a thick snowboard shaped piece of ice and easily control it through the air. “Does that look good?”

“Yep! Now, try stepping on to it. I know you've been practicing holding things with your other move, so it shouldn't be too difficult.”

His confidence in you boosts your own, and you bring the board in front of you. “This should be easy...” Feeling good about it, you step on to it and immediately fall forward, flat on your face. Hawks can't hold back his laughter as you face plant on the ground.

“Oh man, you should have seen the look on your face!” He wipes a tear from his eye and helps you stand. “You have to pay more attention to your balance.”

“Right...” You groan. Surprisingly, you had managed to unconsciously keep the board airborne when you fell. “Let's try that again...”

This time, you pay a lot more attention to your center of balance and countering your weight pushing down on the board. Hawks offers you his hands, and you hold on to them as you try to balance. It takes a few tries before you're able to stand on it without falling off. Hawks has you practice for a while, and by the time dinner rolls around, you've managed to somewhat move around on it with Hawks holding on to you.

“There you go!! See? I told you you'd get the hang of it in no time!” He grins. “The ceilings are nice and high here, so keep practicing whenever you're moving around in my agency, okay?”

“Okay!” You smile back at him.

“You'll be the first ever flying penguin! How's it feel?”

You laugh. “Pretty awesome!! I never thought I'd be able to do something like this!”

“Great!! Your classmates won't even recognize you when you're back at school in a few days!” He smiles. “You'll blow them away!”

“I hope so!” You grin back.

“Now, dinner is going to be a little different, okay?” Hawks says. “There's a bar in my jurisdiction that's had rumors swirling around about it allowing minors in and letting them drink alcohol. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to catch them in the act or get any proof. None of the teenagers who have gone in and had a bad experience want to admit anything because they don't want to get into trouble. That's where you come in!”

“You want me to try sneaking into a bar?”

“Exactly! I'll have a car drop you off a block away, and I'll wait nearby. Now, since you've been seen with me today, I'll get you a wig and something to wear. Don't want them recognizing you immediately. I'll give you an earpiece and a little hidden camera to wear when you go in, too. All you gotta do is act natural.” He goes over the details of the plan, what to do and say as well as how to signal him if you want out. “I'll be watching you the entire time through the camera, so if anything happens I'll be there immediately. Oh, and I'll give you a feather to keep on you. That way I can deal with them before I get there if I need to.”

You nod and he brings you to a room on another floor. “What's in here?”

Hawks opens the door. “I've got a ton of stuff in here for stealth and undercover missions. Pick a wig and outfit out, something you'll be comfortable in, but that’s different enough from your usual look.”

There are tons of clothes, shoes, and wigs in the room. He has a bit of everything. “Jeez, there sure is a lot to choose from...”

With a sparkle in your eye, you get to work.

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